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User-Friendly, Features, and Function; the Keys to Product Development

There comes a time in an inventor’s life when an invention becomes more than just an idea. For some, taking that idea and Developing it into a real and tangible product can be a long journey. If you are about to take the next steps towards building a product, keep in mind the importance of your product’s features and functions, while keeping it user-friendly.


So, you’ve begun the process of developing your product, and you may be wondering what features your idea will have. Incorporating special features into your product can be what separates your inventions from others. It is even possible that your idea is a feature on an existing product. If this is the case, developing those features can be important.

Imagine you’ve invented a special kind of blanket. What features would your blanket have to separate it from other blankets on the market? Maybe it features special insulation for warmth. This special insulation can be considered a product feature and can be marketed as such.

When adding features to your product, you should focus on quality, rather than quantity. An invention that has one high-quality feature that has been perfected, can attract more consumers than a product containing a multitude of low-quality, unnecessary features. Perfecting your product’s feature or features should always be the focus, rather than attempting to overwhelm your product with too many. 


One of the most important aspects of any invention idea, is the product’s function. What problem will your product solve? How will it fix that problem? Who will be able to use your product? These are all questions that should be answered based upon your product’s key function.

Let’s go back to the special blanket. The obvious function would be to keep an individual warm; but what about its function separates your invention from other blankets? Maybe its function is to specifically keep your feet warm, or maybe the blanket also functions as a pillow. Versatile, unique, or interesting functions of a product are important aspect to focus on when developing your product. 


You may be the type of inventor who enjoys pondering large and complex products or ideas. Of course, there is nothing wrong with thinking big, but if you want to truly develop your product to go to market, begin by questioning whether or not your product is user-friendly. Whether or not a product is user-friendly can effect the overall user-experience. The user-experience is the overall practice of a person using a product, especially in terms of how easy the product is to use.

The blanket invention is also a good example of keeping an invention user-friendly. Although most blankets are functional for most consumers, you still want to stray away from certain aspects that could make your blanket difficult for some users. For example, you would not want to use a material that users find itchy or irritating. You also would want to stay away from a blanket that is too heavy for many potential users to comfortably pull over themselves to keep warm.

So, what does it mean for a product to be user-friendly? Simply, a product that is user-friendly is designed so that anyone who is interested is capable of utilizing your product. There will always be certain individuals who have reasons for not being able to use your product. There will even be consumers who do not fit into your product’s category; but that does not mean that you should not consider your target market when developing your product’s ability to be used by anyone in its audience.

It is important to keep in mind that there are many steps in developing a product. Despite this, product development can begin with a focus on features, function and user-friendliness. There is no denying that developing an invention idea takes time and hard-work. Remember to stay focused on these three key points any time you are feeling lost along the road of product development.

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User-Friendly, Features, and Function; the Keys to Product Development


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