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Tell your Christmas story! Enter to #win in the Origami Owl Custom Jewelry #Giveaway! #Trinketfactory


This author was not compensated in any form or fashion for this posting. All opinions and stories belong to me and me alone. Your thoughts and impressions may differ.
Most of my family lives along the pacific coastline, which may as well be on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, because regular travel can at times be impossible. Though, thanks to the power of social media I’m connected with friends and family on a daily basis. Even then it’s hard to get a complete understanding of what they do in their daily lives.
My family and I have a lot of similar interests, so when looking for Christmas gifts I sometimes look and see what they may have in their status updates. About week or so ago, I clicked on a link to a cute little jewelry site that my cousin Crystal had posted. 
In all honesty, I was just browsing for personalized charms to add to a bracelet that my husband gave me last year. I love the bracelet, but only have a couple of seasonal charms to put on it. Adding to them has been a pricey endeavor that I haven’t wanted to get into.
When I followed the link I was surprised at the pricing and selection. I was in a bit of a hurry and bookmarked the site for later. When I went back, I couldn’t find it, so I asked my cousin about the site…turns out that she is one of the designers.
My big sister and I share the same birth month (January) - One of these happens to be our stone & her first initial. Wouldn't this be a very special birthday gift for either of us? Just an idea in case you're shopping for me ;0)
I had no idea that she and I shared the same love of expression through jewelry. Being sentimental must run in the family, because it was sentiment and her love of jewelry that sparked her interested in Origami Owl. Like most of us Crystal can’t afford to buy out the glass display cases at the jewelry store which is another reason why she got involved with Origami Owl - to save money, but became a designer because she enjoys the creative outlet. When she shared her story with me I of course was drawn to the affordability part, but loved that she was able to put her energies into something she felt passionate about. Lol...I went straight back to have an even closer looksee! 
I love the chunky design of the bracelets and charm extenders
As I said I was already impressed with the prices (some as low as $5, which is a sliver of the prices that I’ve been looking at for my little lonely chain), but what I hadn’t noticed before was that she has way more than just charms. Her site is a jewelry creation super store. Each piece is meant to represent a personal significance to the wearer….a personal statement that can hold reminders, memories, hobbies, passions, or the fun and unique facets of their personality.
You can create an entire ensemble on one chain, locket, or bracelet; you can also just get one special piece at a time. I am considering creating Ms. Ma’am a living locket that she can continue to add to through her life stages or significant moments. Maybe starting with a birthstone piece and a few celebration charms. I’m stuck though, because while I love bracelets and the idea of mixing matching, and getting carried away with personalizing that type of piece, I know that Ms. Ma’am would probably fall in love with the living locket concept.
The living locket allows you to add pieces to the inside of your “circle” and either wear it in one simply stated piece or add a few charms to hang with extenders around the outside of the locket. The bracelets can be just as simply stated, with a few charms or even a few memory lockets, but I know myself well enough to know that I would have my girl dripping in memory bling ;0)
Lol…maybe I can get them both - a living locket for her and a bracelet for me. Mama needs her stocking stuffed too!
Okay, so aside from needing y’all to set me straight on which direction to go, I share because when I told my cousin about all my Lucy friends and mentioned that y’all might like some bling under your tree too. She said okay! 
Well that was easy! She has invited y’all to have a little looksee at her little memory making girl-bling and has graciously offered to gift one of you with two charms of your own! Yay for you!

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This post first appeared on Closet To Lucy, please read the originial post: here

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Tell your Christmas story! Enter to #win in the Origami Owl Custom Jewelry #Giveaway! #Trinketfactory
