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17 Foods You Should Never Eat Raw

17 Foods You Should Never Eat Raw

In our quest for healthier eating habits, many of us have embraced the idea of consuming more raw foods. While this can be beneficial for certain fruits and vegetables, not all foods are safe or nutritious when eaten raw. Some foods can be difficult to digest, while others may contain harmful bacteria or toxins that are neutralized through cooking. Understanding which foods should never be eaten raw is essential for maintaining good health and avoiding potential foodborne illnesses. Here are 17 foods you should never eat raw.


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Raw chicken can contain harmful bacteria like Salmonella and Campylobacter. These pathogens can cause severe food poisoning, leading to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. Always cook chicken thoroughly to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure it’s safe to eat.


Photo Credit: Melnikov Dmitriy via Shutterstock

While some cultures enjoy raw eggs, they can carry Salmonella bacteria. Raw eggs, especially the whites, also contain a protein called avidin that can interfere with biotin absorption. Cooking eggs neutralizes this protein and kills potential pathogens.

Kidney Beans

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Raw kidney beans contain high levels of phytohaemagglutinin, a toxic protein that can cause severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Proper cooking destroys this toxin, making kidney beans safe and nutritious to eat.


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Raw potatoes contain solanine, a toxic compound that can cause digestive issues and, in severe cases, even paralysis. Cooking potatoes breaks down this toxin. Green parts of potatoes have higher concentrations of solanine, so these should be cut off before cooking.


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Also known as yuca, raw cassava contains cyanogenic glycosides, which can release cyanide in the body. Proper preparation and cooking are essential to make cassava safe for consumption. Improper preparation of cassava has been linked to cyanide poisoning in some parts of the world.


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Raw eggplant contains solanine, like potatoes. While it would take a large amount of raw eggplant to cause serious issues, cooking it not only removes this compound but also improves its flavor and texture.

Lima Beans

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Raw lima beans contain linamarin, which can decompose into hydrogen cyanide. While U.S. varieties contain lower amounts of this compound, it’s still best to cook lima beans thoroughly to eliminate any risk.

Rhubarb Leaves

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While rhubarb stalks are edible when cooked, the leaves contain high levels of oxalic acid, which can cause kidney problems and, in extreme cases, death. Always discard rhubarb leaves and only consume the stalks.


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Raw elderberries, as well as the bark and leaves of the elder tree, contain a toxic substance that can cause nausea and vomiting. Cooking elderberries neutralizes this toxin, making them safe and beneficial to consume.


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Many varieties of mushrooms contain toxins that are destroyed by cooking. Even common button mushrooms contain small amounts of toxins that are neutralized by heat. Some wild mushrooms can be deadly if consumed raw, so it’s always best to cook mushrooms thoroughly.

Red Kidney Beans

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While mentioned earlier, it’s worth emphasizing that red kidney beans are particularly high in phytohaemagglutinin compared to other beans. They should always be boiled for at least 10 minutes to destroy this toxin.


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Raw flour can contain harmful bacteria like E. coli. Recent outbreaks have been linked to consuming raw flour or uncooked dough. Always cook flour-based products thoroughly.

Hot Dogs

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Hot dogs are precooked, but they can become contaminated with Listeria after processing. It’s best to reheat hot dogs until they’re steaming hot to kill any potential bacteria.


Photo Credit: Jiri Hera via Shutterstock

Raw sprouts, including alfalfa and bean sprouts, have been linked to numerous foodborne illness outbreaks. The warm, humid conditions needed to grow sprouts are also ideal for bacteria growth. Cooking sprouts thoroughly reduces the risk of illness.

Bitter Almonds

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While sweet almonds are safe to eat raw, bitter almonds contain significant amounts of hydrogen cyanide and can be toxic if consumed raw in large quantities. Bitter almonds are often used in extract form after the toxin has been removed.

Sea Bass

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Some species of sea bass can contain parasites if eaten raw or undercooked. Proper cooking kills these parasites, making the fish safe to eat. This is why it’s important to be cautious with raw fish dishes like sushi or ceviche.


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Raw cashews contain urushiol, the same chemical found in poison ivy. What we typically call raw cashews have actually been steamed to remove this toxin. Truly raw cashews are not sold to consumers due to the risk they pose.

Remember, while many foods are safe and nutritious to eat raw, these particular items require cooking for safety reasons. Always handle and prepare food properly to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. When in doubt, it’s better to cook food thoroughly to ensure it’s safe for consumption.

13 Reasons Why Eating Out Is Riskier Than You Think

Photo Credit: BalanceFormCreative via Shutterstock

13 Reasons Why Eating Out Is Riskier Than You Think

This post first appeared on Yumophile, please read the originial post: here

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17 Foods You Should Never Eat Raw
