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19 Things Young People Believe That Should Worry Us All

19 Things Young People Believe That Should Worry Us All

In recent years, there’s been a shift in the beliefs and attitudes of many young people that has some of us older folks concerned. While every generation has its own way of thinking, some of these new ideas seem particularly troubling. They make us wonder about the future of our society and what kind of world we’re heading towards. Here are some beliefs that many young people seem to hold that should give us all pause.

Socialism Is The Answer

Photo Credit: Salivanchuk Semen via Shutterstock

Many young people today think socialism is the solution to all our problems. They don’t seem to understand the dangers of big government control or the importance of free markets. This naive view ignores the historical failures of socialist systems and could lead us down a dangerous path.

Traditional Values Are Outdated

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic via Shutterstock

There’s a growing belief among the youth that traditional values are old-fashioned and irrelevant. They’re quick to dismiss time-tested principles of morality and family structure. This rejection of traditional wisdom could leave society without a solid foundation.

Social Media Popularity Equals Success

Photo Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds via Shutterstock

Young folks seem to think that having lots of followers online is the key to a good life. They’re more concerned with likes and shares than developing real skills or relationships. This obsession with virtual popularity is creating a generation unprepared for real-world challenges.

Climate Change Trumps Everything

Photo Credit: Holli via Shutterstock

While environmental concerns are important, many young people act like climate change is the only issue that matters. They’re willing to sacrifice economic growth and individual freedoms in the name of saving the planet. This single-minded focus could lead to hasty, harmful policies.

Gender Is Entirely Fluid

Photo Credit: SeventyFour via Shutterstock

The idea that gender is completely disconnected from biology is gaining traction among youth. They believe people can change genders at will or be no gender at all. This concept contradicts basic science and could lead to confusion and social instability.

Capitalism Is Evil

Photo Credit: Michal Urbanek via Shutterstock

There’s a troubling trend of young people demonizing capitalism. They blame it for all society’s ills without recognizing how it’s improved living standards. This anti-capitalist sentiment could undermine the very system that’s created prosperity and innovation.

Safe Spaces Are Necessary

Photo Credit: LightField Studios via Shutterstock

Many young people believe they need to be protected from ideas they disagree with. They want “safe spaces” where they’re never challenged or made uncomfortable. This attitude is creating a generation that’s emotionally fragile and unable to handle real-world conflicts.

All Cultures Are Equally Valid

Photo Credit: AllaSerebrina via Deposit Photos

There’s a belief that all cultural practices should be accepted without criticism. While diversity is valuable, this extreme cultural relativism ignores the fact that some cultural norms are harmful. It could lead to a society that’s afraid to stand up for important values.

Technology Can Solve Everything

Photo Credit: Phonlamai Photo via shutterstock

Young people often have blind faith in technology to fix all our problems. They don’t seem to recognize the downsides of constant connectivity or AI. This over-reliance on tech could lead to a loss of important human skills and connections.

Traditional Marriage Is Unnecessary

Photo Credit: Midjourney

Many youth view traditional marriage as an outdated institution. They prefer cohabitation or reject long-term commitment altogether. This shift could lead to less stable families and communities in the future.

Hard Work Isn’t Necessary For Success

Photo Credit: HayDmitriy via Deposit Photos

There’s a growing belief that everyone deserves success without having to work hard for it. Young people often expect high-paying jobs right out of college with little experience. This entitlement mentality could lead to disappointment and a less productive society.

Patriotism Is Negative

Photo Credit: flysnowfly via Shutterstock

Many young folks seem to think being proud of your country is somehow wrong. They focus on historical flaws rather than recognizing the positive aspects of national identity. This lack of patriotism could weaken our sense of unity and common purpose.

Free Speech Should Be Limited

Photo Credit: SibRapid via Shutterstock

There’s a troubling belief among youth that offensive speech should be banned. They don’t seem to understand the importance of protecting all speech, even if we disagree with it. This attitude could lead to dangerous censorship and loss of freedoms.

Religion Is Irrelevant

Photo Credit: Judy Kennamer via Shutterstock

Young people increasingly view religion as outdated or even harmful. They don’t recognize the role faith plays in providing moral guidance and community support. This rejection of religion could lead to a loss of important cultural traditions and values.

Government Should Provide Everything

Photo Credit: Salivanchuk Semen via Shutterstock

Many youth believe the government should provide free education, healthcare, and even a basic income for all. They don’t consider who will pay for these programs or how they might reduce individual initiative. This expectation of government handouts could lead to an unsustainable welfare state.

Online Activism Is Enough

Photo Credit: Midjourney

Young people often think sharing posts or signing online petitions is meaningful activism. They don’t engage in real-world actions or understand the complexity of issues. This “slacktivism” could result in a generation that feels involved but accomplishes little real change.

History Is Mostly Negative

Photo Credit: ArTono via Shutterstock

There’s a tendency among youth to focus solely on the negative aspects of history. They seem eager to tear down statues and rename buildings without appreciating historical context. This negative view of the past could lead to a loss of important cultural heritage and understanding.

Feelings Trump Facts

Photo Credit: fizkes via Shutterstock

Many young people prioritize emotions over objective facts in debates and decision-making. They believe personal feelings are more valid than statistical evidence or expert opinions. This emphasis on subjective experience could lead to irrational policies and social confusion.

Nationalism Is Always Bad

Photo Credit: Midjourney

Young folks often view any expression of national pride as dangerous nationalism. They don’t distinguish between patriotism and extreme nationalism. This blanket rejection of national identity could weaken our ability to come together as a country in times of need.

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Photo Credit: freya-photographer via Shutterstock

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This post first appeared on Yumophile, please read the originial post: here

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19 Things Young People Believe That Should Worry Us All
