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100s of Entry Level Work From Home AI Jobs Hiring Worldwide!

100s Of Entry Level Work From Home AI Jobs Hiring Worldwide!

Here are a few websites with 100s of work from home jobs related to A.I. available right now:


Outlier AI is a place that has all sorts of AI training jobs where you can work when you want as a freelancer.

These jobs are also available all around the world!

As of me writing this, they have 131 jobs available in many different areas of AI training where you can use your knowledge of a language, career field, writing, etc. to help improve AI models.

Some of these pay as much as $40/hour!


At RWS, you can find many AI-related jobs where you focus on Search Evaluation or data annotation.

These jobs allow you to apply without any education or experience requirements.

You can also make your own hours and get paid around $20/hour via PayPal.

Here's an example of what you would for the data annotation gigs:

“The tasks can range from reviewing and scoring existing audio samples and providing constructive feedback to speech recording or captioning. This information will be used to train and improve AI and machine learning models.”


At Datavio (formerly Teemwork), they have around 70 different remote jobs as of me writing this.

These jobs usually have something to do with training AI through gigs like speech data collection, search evaluation, and others.

They have gigs all over the world here as well.

Most of the jobs I've seen here don't require any kind of education or experience.

Keep in mind that many of their gigs are not ongoing and just pay you to complete one particular task in exchange for a sum of money via PayPal.

For instance, the Speech Data Collector position pays $30 via PayPal for you to spend about 35-40 minutes submitting audio samples that are used to train AI voice assistants.

This post first appeared on Self Made Success - Creating Success For Entrepren, please read the originial post: here

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100s of Entry Level Work From Home AI Jobs Hiring Worldwide!
