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“Prologue” and “Part One: Individual Rethinking” from Think Again (Grant, 2021)


For this discussion board, we will examine the “Prologue” and “Part One: Individual Rethinking” from Think Again (Grant, 2021). Be sure to address each of the following in your initial post: No more then 250-350 words. You can not you AI?

  1. Describe the types of biases that Grant presents in these two sections. Use direct quotes from the text to support how bias can affect scientific inquiry.
  2. Do you think that Grant logically offered evidence to support his points in these sections of the book? Explain. If not, how and where might you collect additional evidence to support or refute Grant’s points?
  3. Of the concepts presented in Grant’s first four chapters, which would you be most interested in investigating further? Why?
  4. Consider a time you rethought your own beliefs or opinions (or perhaps you are currently rethinking a personal stance). What evidence did you consider. What evidence should you (have) considered?
The post “Prologue” and “Part One: Individual Rethinking” from Think Again (Grant, 2021) first appeared on Homework Nest.

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“Prologue” and “Part One: Individual Rethinking” from Think Again (Grant, 2021)
