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Rectangles Facts for Kids – 5 Great Facts about Rectangles

Rectangles Facts For Kids –  5 Great Facts About Rectangles

Today we are going to learn some magical facts about rectangles for kids.

Rectangles Facts for Kids Fact Number 1: Four Sides Shapes

Rectangles are quadrilaterals – these are shapes with four sides. The parallel sides are equal to each other. This is a defining feature of a rectangle.

Gray wall with accurate rectangular brick cladding

Rectangles Facts for Kids Fact Number 2: Cuboids

Rectangles are 2D shapes – their 3D counterpart is a Cuboid. A 2D shape is one that is flat and only has two measurements – length and width.

A white 3D cuboid on a black background

Rectangles Facts for Kids Fact Number 3: Corners on a Rectangle

Each of the corners on a rectangle is 90 degrees – this is called a right angle. A right angle occurs when two straight lines intersect each other at 90˚ or are perpendicular to each other at the intersection.

Rectangles Facts for Kids Fact Number 4: Perimeter of a Rectangle

To find the perimeter of a rectangle you can take the measurement of one of the long sides and one of the shorter sides, multiply each by two and add them together.

Two rulers and a notebook are examples of rectangle shapes in real life

Rectangles Facts for Kids Fact Number 5: Area of a Rectangle

To find the area of a rectangle you should find the length and multiply by two, then find the width and multiply by two. Then you should add these two numbers together. Here is the formula, P=2(l+w).

We hope you enjoyed learning about pentagons, check out these articles about some other shapes: Polygons, Geometric Shapes, Isosceles Triangle, Pentagon, and 2D and 3D Shapes.

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The post Rectangles Facts for Kids – 5 Great Facts about Rectangles first appeared on Learning Mole.

This post first appeared on Online Learning And Educational Resources For Kids, please read the originial post: here

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Rectangles Facts for Kids – 5 Great Facts about Rectangles
