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#98: Ocean’s Green Giants: The Vital Role of Kelp with Tristin Anoush McHugh

#98: Ocean’s Green Giants: The Vital Role Of Kelp With Tristin Anoush McHugh


The ocean’s surface is a bit like the cover of a book. We have a title – the ocean – which gives us a hint about what it is. And we probably have some preconceived ideas about it based on the cover graphics or author.

Tristin Anoush McHugh, Kelp Project Director at The Nature Conservancy in California

But we can’t see inside to truly understand the stories it wants to tell. 

One of those stories is about a forest – yes, an underwater forest that serves multiple critical purposes for life on earth. I’m talking about Kelp forests, which generates oxygen, stores carbon, balances chemical cycles critical to life, and supports amazing biodiverse habitats.

But kelp are in trouble. In fact, 96% of the kelp forests in today’s guest’s region have disappeared in just a few years, and the reasons are multiple and solutions unclear.

And that guest is Tristin Anoush McHugh, the Kelp Project Director for The Nature Conservancy in California. 

I knew I had to meet Tristin after seeing a wonderful short film called Forests Above and Forests Below, which was written and narrated by Tristin. It’s a powerful 6 minute film – check the show notes for a link.

Tristin in the Kelp Forest

And Tristin didn’t disappoint! Today Tristin helps us understand what kelp are and why they are in trouble. We discuss the complex relationships they have with sea otters, purple urchins, and sunflower sea stars.

We also discuss the dramatic impacts of sea star wasting disease, as well as how warming oceans might be disrupting kelps ability to reproduce.

I found the conversation to be incredibly enlightening, and extremely important. Oceans are disproportionately important to our climate and life in general, yet we all too often keep that book closed and on the shelf.

You can find Tristin at Tristin.McHugh(at)TNC(dot)org.

And be sure to check out The Nature Conservancy’s California Instagram and Facebook pages!

Did you have a question that I didn’t ask? Let me know at naturesarchivepodcast(at), and I’ll try to get an answer!

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Forests Above and Forests Below

Friday Harbor Labs, Jason Hodin – an article about his research on sea star wasting disease

Reef Check is looking for diving volunteers

The Bay Foundation – restoring Santa Monica Bay

Kelp Forest Alliance

Note: links to books are affiliate links to You can support independent bookstores AND Jumpstart Nature by purchasing through our affiliate links or our bookshop store.


Thanks to Erica Zador for editing help in this episode!

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Spellbound by Brian Holtz Music
License (CC BY 4.0):
Artist website:

This post first appeared on Nature's Archive Blog, please read the originial post: here

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#98: Ocean’s Green Giants: The Vital Role of Kelp with Tristin Anoush McHugh
