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#76: Nature Unleashed: Inspiring Passion for Nature with Griff Griffith

#76: Nature Unleashed: Inspiring Passion For Nature With Griff Griffith


Griff Griffith is former host of Animal Planet’s Wild Jobs, current spokesperson for Redwoods Rising, and he’s a volunteer for Jumpstart Nature. 

Griff has dedicated his career to honing his expertise in effectively communicating and motivating people to care about the environment. From the youth he led in the California Conservation Corps, to people he engaged with at State Parks, to the 4 million people that watch his videos on TikTok. He’s also been on CNN, NBC Nightly News, Kelly Clarkson, and more, so he knows a thing or two about engaging people.

And if you are like me, you care for nature, and want to share your love of nature with others.

So today, Griff shares his secrets to success in ways that can work for anyone, regardless of your personality or approach.

One of Griff’s messages is that you have to always make things relevant to your audience, so we try to do that today by including lots of specific examples, including stories like you just heard, discussion of goose pen trees (what? Yes goose pen, like goose like the honking bird), invasive clams, and the magic of photosynthesis. 

You’ll learn about analyzing an audience, being authentic, dealing with doubters, and more.

So if you talk about nature with family and friends, lead walks or trips, or want to talk nature on Tik Tok or Instagram, we’ve got you covered.

Follow Griff on TikTok and Facebook, or Redwoods Rising on TikTok or Facebook.

Did you have a question that I didn’t ask? Let me know at [email protected], and I’ll try to get an answer!

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Griff’s Past Appearance on Nature’s Archive

Keith Williams talking river snorkeling on Nature’s Archive

Alexis Nicole Nelson (The Black Forager)

Native Habitat Project (Kyle Lybarger)


The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Spellbound by Brian Holtz Music
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):
Artist website:

This post first appeared on Nature's Archive Blog, please read the originial post: here

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#76: Nature Unleashed: Inspiring Passion for Nature with Griff Griffith
