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#77: Unraveling the Secrets of Road Ecology with Ben Goldfarb

#77: Unraveling The Secrets Of Road Ecology With Ben Goldfarb


 It’s hard to imagine a time without roads that connect us, facilitate commerce, allow us to reach hospital schools, family, and friends. And in plain sight, they grow in width, link density and traffic volume slowly and continually.

Amidst to the sprawling network that shapes our lives. There’s a realm often overlooked, but equally profound. A domain where the intersection between humanity and nature takes an unforeseen twist.

Our guest today has Ben Goldfarb, author of the new book “Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet”. You might remember Ben from a past episode where he discussed his book on beavers appropriately titled eager. And in typical Ben form, he reveals a hidden world in plain sight, full of surprises. From rapid adaptation by some animals to the intractable ways that 70 mile per hour traffic hack many animal’s ability to cope. Ben’s book will be released on September 12th. You can find more details at

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  • Crossings by Ben Goldfarb – Ben’s new book
  • Nature’s Archive #30: Dr. Jaret Daniels – Butterflies, Creating Habitat in Overlooked Landscapes, and Leveraging Creative Outreach
  • Nature’s Archive #35: Ben Goldfarb – Eager Beavers, The Quintessential Keystone Species
  • Nature’s Archive #38: Beth Pratt – The Age of Wildlife Crossings
  • Sandra Jacobson – A behavior-based framework for assessing barrier effects to wildlife from vehicle traffic volume
  • Ware et al. – A phantom road experiment reveals traffic noise is an invisible source of habitat degradation
  • Marcel Hauser – Dutch road ecologist


Michelle Balderston provided editing assistance for this episode.

The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Spellbound by Brian Holtz Music
Free download:
License (CC BY 4.0):
Artist website:

This post first appeared on Nature's Archive Blog, please read the originial post: here

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#77: Unraveling the Secrets of Road Ecology with Ben Goldfarb
