Shortly after I moved into my house in Maricopa, AZ nearly 5 years ago, I was working on installing a new drip irrigation system. Our yard was just dirt (literally!), as were most of our neighbors at that time.
While testing the system a bit of water squirted out. And within a few minutes, I noticed a beautiful green bug landing to sip some of the water.
Amazed that a bit of water would attract a bug so quickly, and surprised by its metallic color, I grabbed my camera and was able to snap a quick photo.
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This bee is an Agapostemon tyleri (or perhaps Agapostemon melliventris) but definitely an Agapostemon. The photo just wasn't sharp enough to get the details needed for a clear identification.
These bees nest in the ground, usually solitarily in vertical burrows. In the summer I can usually locate about 6 to 12 burrows on my yard, most of which are very near flowers. (And this is good news because I'd really like to get some better photos of them).
I've had a surprisingly difficult time finding detailed life history on these bees - it just goes to show how little is documented (or documented in easily accessible forms) in the bug and insect world.