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It's easy to find unique handmade productsFinding the handmade product you want in Qlapa is not that difficult. If you want to quickly and directly to the goods you want, you can directly search by typing the name of goods or product features handmade you want in the search box. It's right at the top right, which you can see once you open Qlapa.Or if you have free time and want to see what handmade products are sold in Qlapa, you can browse through the product menus that have been categorized by Qlapa so well. So we can easily find products based on the criteria we want.Qlapa categorizes handmade products sold in 9 menu categories, sequentially from left to right are products for Women, Men, Children, Home & Decorations, Gadgets & Tools, Culinary, Care & Beauty, Celebrations & Gifts, and Editor's Choice . In each menu, Qlapa still subdivides product criteria by type to function or usefulness.For example, you want to find unique accessories for HP, you just choose Gadgets & Tools menu. There, there is a wide selection of accessories for your HP. Not only that, if you want to be more specific, you can filter the product you're looking for based on gender (typical male or female product), for kids, right down to the product material filter.One of the most sought after handmade products is the ethnic fashion. Well, this Qlapa includes her home of high quality ethnic fashion. Here you can get ethnic shirts, ethnic batik and various other ethnic accessories directly from the seller. If you are confused what fashion model and accessories are becoming a trend, you can look it up in the Editor's Options menu.The Center of the Handmade Product of the Whole ChoiceFrankly, this is the first time I know there is a marketplace that has a product filter based on the type of material or material the manufacturer of the product. And this is only in Qlapa you know. Filter products based on this material is very useful, at least you can make sure that the product you buy and after you receive it will actually be made from the material already mentioned the seller.You also do not have to worry about the quality of goods sold in Qlapa. Every handmade product that Qlapa sells is a selection of products that have passed the Qlapa team curation one by one in order to meet good quality standards. So, not just any handmade products sold in Qlapa.Talking about the name of Qlapa, there is an interesting philosophy behind the name of this marketplace. Qlapa, comes from the word Coconut. For hundreds of years, coconut trees are used by Indonesian people for ketupat, satay fan, broom stick, and various other household appliance. Coconut fruit becomes a refreshing drink both for local residents and foreign tourists. Well, Qlapa is hoping to be fully useful as coconut from root to every leaf of its leaves.
2021-01-13 16:56
Bagi penjelajah dunia maya, perusahaan ini mungkin sudah tak asing. Namun bagi awam mungkin sesekali pernah mendengarnya, karena brandnya memang sudah mendunia. Untuk lebih jelasnya apa itu… Read More
2020-11-07 16:15
Meskipun punya karakter yang kuat dan awet, tas kanvas handmade juga dikenal mudah kotor dan lusuh. Kamu tidak mau kan tasmu terlihat jelek? The post Cara Merawat Tas Kanvas Handmade appeare… Read More
2020-11-07 16:15
Ada banyak kelebihan yang membuat penjual mau membuat wire jewelry, dan membuat pembeli mau membelinya. Karena, wire jewelry juga produk handmade The post Apa Sih, Kelebihan Wire Jewelry Han… Read More
2020-11-07 16:15
Hingga saat ini, furnitur kayu handmade masih banyak dicari orang untuk berbagai keperluan karena memang punya kualitas dan kelebihan tersendiri. The post Kelebihan Furnitur Kayu Handmade ap… Read More
2020-02-28 07:50
Dari sekian banyak rekomendasi mobil bekas untuk keluarga, mana yang jadi pilihanmu? Jangan bingung, catat daftarnya dalam artikel berikut ini! The post 7 Rekomendasi Mobil Bekas untuk Kelua… Read More
2020-02-27 08:58
Bisa mendapatkan mobil bekas murah dan irit memang idaman banyak orang. Ini dia rekomendasi mobil bekas murah dan irit untuk kamu. The post 5 Rekomendasi Mobil Bekas Murah dan Irit appeared… Read More
Seputar Info Profile Kota Depok
2019-05-13 09:13
Secara astronomis, Kota Depok terletak antara 6°19’ – 6°28’ LS dan 106°43′ – 106°55′ BT. Berdasarkan posisi geografisnya, Kota Depok terle… Read More
Laju Pertumbuhan Penduduk Di Bogor
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Beberapa tahun terakhir, laju pertumbuhan penduduk di Kabupaten Bogor mengalami penurunan. Meski demikian, data penurunan tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan jumlah migrasi yang masuk ke Bumi Te… Read More
Info / Review Universitas Gajah Mada
2019-05-13 07:27
Universitas Gadjah Mada (secara internasional dikenal sebagai Universitas Gadjah Mada; Singkatan: UGM) adalah universitas riset liga publik Indonesia yang berlokasi di Yogyakarta, Indonesia… Read More
2018-12-17 13:27
Terupdate, 2019! Memilih kado unik untuk ulang tahun anak atau keponakan tercinta merupakan hal yang sangat menyenangkan sekaligus membingungkan. Kenapa? Tentu saja karena mencari hadiah yan… Read More

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