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Smallgovcon - Legal News And Notes For Small Government Contractors Blog
Tags: program hubzone joint venture protatildecopygatildecopy award proposal mentorprotatildecopygatildecopy ostensible subcontractor rule mentor hubzone sole ics nett joint venture hubzone rule recertification program examination federal mentor joint protatildecopygatildecopy rule proposed rule joint subcontractor proposed rule rule business proposed rule joint ventures court program joint venture relationship performance rule program business market program vosb program affiliation sbaapproved mpa usc acircsect federal circuit hubzone program joint venture vosb nett template chevron deference proposed cfr atildeacircsect examination private sector clients private sector rule business cfr acircsect monitor principal office federal program transource veteran fulltime devotion requirement fulltime devotion certification contractors pause sbaacircs mentorprotege program ostensible subcontractor sba ostensible subcontractor mccall pottroff llc koprince mccall pottroff subcontractor assembly federal certifications webinar joint venture joint venture joint venture agreements finding federal subcontracting webinar finding federal sba lender fees review july aug accelerate federal buildings promote veteran entrepreneurship cmmc contracting rules senate bill seeks business amp entrepreneurship business tool hosted federal acquisition regulation defense federal acquisition buy indian govology webinar september paso apex accelerators nonmanufacturer rule nonmanufacturer rule hosted cloud procurement requirements annie birney joins conference announcement icbs review sept oct govology webinar october government contracting officials federal government guilty plea joint government subcontracting guilty contract smallgovcon federal program contract federal department government government governmentwide contracting review june federal smallgovcon defense department essay julian review review july federal tribal consultation cisaacircs cdm federal hubzone program proposed rule smallgovcon review september govology webinar government shutdown smallgovcon review september review conference announcement sept oct review sept independence government julian nation
Covers GAO bid protests, SBA size protests and appeals, the 8(a), SDVOSB, HUBZone, and WOSB programs, and related matters. Written by an attorney.
One of the most popular programs in small business federal contracting seems to be the SBA’s Mentor-Protege Program. It is generally a great program for small businesses to utilize the… Read More

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SmallGovCon - Legal News and Notes for Small Government Contractors
