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Magazines, books, games.....oh my!


Clearing your clutter of stuff that you no longer want, need or "serves your purpose" is a great way to make your home look better and your spirit feel lighter. It makes people feel like they have accomplished an impossible task (for some it is) and it gives them the motivation to do things they never thought they could.

And then comes the question - "what to do with the stuff..."?

There are a lot of donation centers and resale shops in most cities. For some people, giving their donated items to the "right" organization - one they feel aligns with their values - is very important. For others, they just want it out of their home and the nearest donation center will do just fine. 

A question that came up in one of my classes was "what can I do with magazines, besides recycling them"? And then we expanded it to "books and board games".

So we made a list:

  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Assisted living centers
  • Nursing homes
  • Senior centers
  • Retirement homes
  • Libraries
  • YMCA
  • Coffee shops
  • Breweries
  • Homeless shelters
  • Churches
They could all use the magazines, books and board games - to keep people entertained and to have a reason to socialize. Bring out a board game and people will come together. Magazines and books will keep people from getting bored when you're waiting in the hospital. Being able to read magazines that you didn't have to pay for - priceless! 

So pass on the magazines, books and games - and let someone else enjoy them!

It's a win for everyone!

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

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This post first appeared on Professional Organizer, please read the originial post: here

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Magazines, books, games.....oh my!
