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Why Is Decluttering Hard?


Decluttering should be easy. Shouldn't it? But for a lot of people - it's really hard. Hard to get started. Hard to figure out what to get rid of. 

Below is a list of reasons why it's so hard:

1)  You haven't found your "why". Why do you want to declutter?

2)  You haven't established an "end goal". 
  • What is your goal and when are you going to put it into action.
  • What items are you getting rid of?
3)  You have "no time" to declutter. It takes time!

4)  You don't understand what clutter means to you. How did the clutter happen?

5)  You don't know what to keep.

6)  You feel unsupported in your goal.

7)  You are struggling to let go.

8)  You have a lot of stuff. The more stuff you have - the longer it takes.

9)  The clutter keeps coming back. 

10) You feel guilty and wasteful for getting rid of stuff.

So - we have established that understanding how the clutter got there - is hard. Making decisions - is hard. Letting things go - is hard. Why - because of your attachment to "stuff". 

Once you bought/acquired your "stuff" - the money was spent. You can't get it back by keeping your stuff. If you have outgrown it or it no longer serves a purpose - it's time to let go. 

Give someone else the opportunity to use and enjoy your "stuff". They might need it more than you do.

Less Clutter = Less Stress SM     in your home, your business and your life

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This post first appeared on Professional Organizer, please read the originial post: here

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Why Is Decluttering Hard?
