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Graham & Sibbald Offer East Haugh Hotel At Reduced Price: £875,000

Graham & Sibbald Offer East Haugh Hotel At Reduced Price: £875,000

Chartered surveyors and business valuation experts, Graham and Sibbald, are now offering a well-known former hotel near the A9, close to Pitlochry, for a reduced price.

A traditional seven-bed 17th-Century country house with a range of public rooms, East Haugh also benefits from a separate 4/5- bedroom annexe and a separate three-bedroom cottage, all set in appx two acres of private grounds.

Hotel and leisure consultant with Graham and Sibbald, Alistair Letham, said: ‘East Haugh
House previously operated as a destination country house hotel, until around four years ago. The
property since has been used for exclusive occupation and therefore could easily revert to full use if the
new owners preferred that.’

Graham and Sibbald and Rettie & Co are now inviting offers over £875,000 for East Haugh House, Pitlochry.

For more information on this and other businesses marketed by hospitality and licensed trade specialists, Graham and Sibbald, visit

This post first appeared on Catering Scotland | Scottish Catering, Hospita, please read the originial post: here

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Graham & Sibbald Offer East Haugh Hotel At Reduced Price: £875,000
