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Day's Report

I'm exhausted.  For several reasons, but I usually explore the site DA, when I'm done with one thing, or when I've given up on something else I was trying to do.

I had been looking through the images—DA is mostly a site where geophysics artists post their artwork—and at first I was charmed by how sweet the young ladies were.  But soon I was overwhelmed by how fake it all was.  I spotted a really nice image; it was AI.  I saw just 6 images I liked, and they were either all AI, or had no information at all. 

Pretty soon, everything will be created by AI, even blog posts, music, videos, movies, the news; everything.  Half the books sold by Amazon could easily be written by AI.  I'm not saying they are; they just could be.  I'm going to take a nap. 

This post first appeared on Fiction From K Brown, please read the originial post: here

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Day's Report


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