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Canadians and Americans: please support Extinction Rebellion’s XR Humanity's Emergency Services for climate realism, climate justice action


Canadians and Americans: please support Extinction Rebellion’s XR Humanity's Emergency Services for climate realism, climate justice action: Canadians and Americans: please support Extinction Rebellion’s XR Humanity’s Emergency Services for climate realism, climate justice action for human rights and peace on earth, to save our land, seas and skies by human-centric, holistic, rights-based, advocating regenerative culture, educational approaches for justice about the root causes of our climate crisis on planet earth. #ElectionDay #Canada #20 September 2021 #NoElectioneering #NoEmptyPromises #LetsJustStickToEstablishedFacts #DoNoHarm #StopEcocide #SaveOurPlanet

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Canadians and Americans: please support Extinction Rebellion’s XR Humanity's Emergency Services for climate realism, climate justice action
