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In HONOUR of and DEDICATED to OBTAINING JUSTICE for SETTLER-CHILD, Erica D'Anitoff Williams, three and a half years old.


In HONOUR of and DEDICATED to OBTAINING JUSTICE for SETTLER-CHILD, Erica D'Anitoff Williams, three and a half years old.: In HONOUR of and DEDICATED to OBTAINING JUSTICE for SETTLER-CHILD, Erica D'Anitoff Williams, three and a half years old.  An innocent who died in the early hours of 3 February 1940 - whose forensically unexamined remains still lie hidden, still buried, still covered -up by the unacceptable findings of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police R.C.M.P.’s unsatisfactory investigation, by the historic-colonial British - Newfoundland Commission of Government mismanagement and by the colonially corrupted criminal justice system that still operates in Port Hope Simpson, NunatuKavut, Newfoundland and Labrador and in Canada today. CONTENTS: SUPPORTIVE ITEMS in evidence in CONTEXT OF CLIMATE-SOCIAL JUSTICE ACTION [Llewelyn Pritchard MA] EVIDENCE [by Independent Research] 31 August 2021 

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In HONOUR of and DEDICATED to OBTAINING JUSTICE for SETTLER-CHILD, Erica D'Anitoff Williams, three and a half years old.
