#MindTheGap #COP26Circus Llewelyn Pritchard MA on Twitter
WE KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: AN IMMEDIATE HALT ON ALL FOSSIL FUEL EXPANSION AND MASSIVE INVESTMENT IN A CLEAN, GREEN ECONOMY THAT LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND. “Wildfires are raging across the country, cities are choked by smoke and entire communities are being displaced. The climate crisis is at our doorstep. In response to these catastrophic climate events, @CanadianPM Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau Trudeau said, “we simply have to be more aggressive in our thoughts”. Quite frankly, it’s too late for thoughts. We need bold, ambitious action now. Climate scientists, experts and advocates have been calling for the same thing for decades now…“
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https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTZr1Yze5WLaO6U0b1U0syAJrXJzB2NWR8uZ9N1n2lCYAM3su3p9cwf9PZvyZwKHbQWG46wRfbc9DaK/pub WE KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: AN IMMEDIATE HALT ON ALL FOSSIL FUEL EXPANSION AND MASSIVE INVESTMENT IN A CLEAN, GREEN ECONOMY THAT LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND. “Wildfires are raging across the country, cities are choked by smoke and entire communities are being displaced. The climate crisis is at our doorstep. In response to these catastrophic climate events, @CanadianPM Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau Trudeau said, "we simply have to be more aggressive in our thoughts”. Quite frankly, it’s too late for thoughts. We need bold, ambitious action now. Climate scientists, experts and advocates have been calling for the same thing for decades now…“