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Danielle Edochie completely ignores father, Yul, reacts to mother’s compliment

Danielle Edochie Completely Ignores Father, Yul, Reacts To Mother’s Compliment

On Tuesday, 19-year-old Danielle Edochie posted a stunning series of photos on Instagram.

Her father, Yul Edochie, later expressed his admiration and joy on his own Instagram, praising her beauty and leadership skills.

Yul tagged her Instagram handle and wrote; “Daughter of life. Squad Leader. Super Model. Jadon! Danielle Dubem Yul-Edochie,”

As of Thursday, June 13th, Danielle has not yet responded to her father’s message, which was posted over 48 hours ago.

On Wednesday evening, May Edochie left a comment on her daughter’s post, praising Danielle’s beauty.

She wrote: “My asa my Ada Beeke”

Danielle replied hours later with a happy selfie, showing her joy over her mother’s compliment.

This post first appeared on Creebhills, please read the originial post: here

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Danielle Edochie completely ignores father, Yul, reacts to mother’s compliment
