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What are Angular 17 Services? How to use Angular 17 Service?


Angular Services are reusable pieces of code that can be injected.

Defining a Component, Services are made up of the following:

A TypeScript decorator that declares the class as an Angular service via @Injectable and allows you to define what part of the application can access the service via the providedIn property (which is typically 'root') to allow a service to be accessed anywhere within the application.

A TypeScript class that defines the desired code that will be accessible when the service is injected.

Let's see an example of a Calculator service,

import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';


  providedIn: 'root',


export class CalculatorService {

  add(a: number, b: number) {

    return a + b;



How to use an Angular 17 Service?

When you want to use a service in a component, you need to do the following,

1.     Import the service that you have created.

2.     Declare a class field where the service is injected.

3.     Assign the class field to the result of the call of the Angular built-in function ‘inject’ which creates the service.

See the example of what it looks like,

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { CalculatorService } from './calculator.service';


  selector: 'app-receipt’,

  template: `

The total is {{ totalValue }}`,


export class Receipt {

  private calculatorService = inject(CalculatorService);

  totalValue = this.calculatorService.add(10, 20);


In the above example, the service ‘CalculatorService’ is being used by calling the Angular function ‘inject’ and passing in the service to it.

This post first appeared on Programming, please read the originial post: here

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What are Angular 17 Services? How to use Angular 17 Service?
