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(24 Actionable Ways) Score 100% On Google PageSpeed Insights

I know you have a website and you want to rank up on Google to expanding your business.

You spend days laboring over the design weeks in production, and countless hours to edit the design (Or systematic design).

 But sometimes you do big mistakes such as your website Loading time is up to 3 seconds. If your page loading time is higher, people will bounce your page. You need to optimize site speed and achieve a 100% score on Google Page Speed Insights.

"Google only loves you, when everyone else loves you first. If your page load time is higher, so people leave your webpage whereby cause increase your bounce rate."

Google has publicly confirmed that they use your site's loading speed as a ranking factor. It could a cause of deficits SERP (Search engine result pages) value to any web page.

Google wants such website their loading time is scanty along they have an excellent bounce rate like 16% to 40%.

Do you know the cause of copious page's loading time (means up to 4 seconds) people bounce webpage? That means if you have a useful product or information, but page loading is so high, so people will bounce you undoubtedly.

You can maintain your page's loading time through some customization. And your site will rank up on Google like a rocket.

Some people think that Google rewards you for having a fast loading website, but that's simply not true, it's depending on your content's quality.

But Google penalizes slow loading websites mean if your site speed is so slow, so Google can penalize you.

Why You Should Care About Page Speed?

Google's number one job is to give their users the best result for a given search. But everyone hates slow loading website and loves fast loading website, so simply make the website so faster.

Backlinko study found that site speed matters for ranking. This study, based on Alexa data, analyzes one million search engine results, pages who load fast are ranked higher in Google search result than slow loading pages. There are means you should care about page loading.

Below given a ranking chart for average Google position with load time.

We know that with the help of this backlinko study chart, fast loading pages are getting top rank on Google than slow loading pages.

Inside of this, slow loading pages kill conservation in just beginning. Backlinko found that users bounce slow loading pages before beginning. Below given backlinko study chart for people bounce rate.

Means people bounce rate are depending on their site loading speed. But it's even hurt an e-commerce site revenue. 

Google said that by Google's new page speed benchmarks yet 53% mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer time than three seconds to load.

According to this Google Page Speed Benchmark for mobile users:

Google is a large source of high-quality traffic to website owners, we can't forget Google's need.

Average mobile's readers want to view an article immediately. But more than half of overall web traffic comes from mobile. It's a big trouble.

But we can't forget about mobile users, so we need to make a fast loading page. conducted a study of user behavior and reaction for page loading time, 40% of consumers abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. 47% consumers say they expect a website to load in two seconds or less.

We need to make a website who load with low time as much as possible, if possible to make a website who load within 1 second, so make it, but with quality contents, as quality always matters for makings a user to a subscriber.

73% of mobile Internet users say that they've encountered a website that was too slow to load. Means audience or user need the fast loaded website.

Internet users won't waste their priceless time in the online loading world. Hence, make your website faster.

If an e-commerce site who makes $100,000 per day, if that site 1-second page delay to load whereupon could be deficit potentially cost, site $2.5 million sales lost in every year.

Site's speed is hurting everyone's revenue. According to portent 2014 research with 500 sites for show e-commerce impact, faster pages make a lot more money than the slow pages. They found that when you speed up your site from two seconds to one second, your revenue per page view increase by 100%.

Means users change their mind while page takes much time to load.

Slow loading pages kill their conservation with the deficit of revenue. We can see in the above image that if people reach slow loading pages, but most people don't buy their products.

"Always faster is better. People want high speed they don't like slow pages."

So now you need to make a faster website because faster is better. Do you know 1-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conservation?

How To Check Your Desktop And Mobile Site Speed?

You know that slow website losing visitors in just beginning, it's killing your conversion rate. Your site needs to fix all issues that make your website slow-down.

Most sites are a slow-down cause of large the image size. I suggest you customize image in 800×500 resolution. This is perfect for all screen types.

But that's not always the case for every website.

You need to know exactly what's causing your site slow speed? And after you fix all issues that make your site slow. Your website will run with a 100% score on the Google Page Speed insight Tool.

First, go to Google Page Speed insight tool and enter your website URL into the bar:

Now, as a pro tip doesn't put your homepage into this field. Instead, enter an internal page from your site that gets a lot of traffic, like a blog post or article.

You will get info on a page that lots of your visitors actually see.

Click "Analyze" and wait for a few seconds after Google will show you some errors that make your website slow.

The finished report will tell you about many errors that makes your website slow. Here's what my report looks like:

My score is 79/100. It's not great. My site needs work. It is a big trouble for me. But your site needs to take care of all elements to hit 100% on the PageSpeed Insight tool.

So that your site will perform 100% on page speed insight tool and your organic traffic will increase like a rocket.

Now you can customize all useless errors that make your site down. Next, we should test our mobile site separately.

You can use the mobile site tester on the PageSpeed Insight tool, but now Google released an updated, more accurate vision of this.

Go to this link test my site with Google. Input your website URL and hit enter.

Now, this Google tool will take a few minutes to run this report. It will give you detailed about your site performance than Industry standards.

It will even tell you how many visitors you could be loosing because of a lower page speed.

My site loading time on mobile is 7 seconds, I am losing estimated 26% visitors. The recommended load time should be under three seconds or less.

That means my site need to reduce speed than according to industry standards.

This Google tool is helpful, but it has one big problem.

It doesn't measure a site's actual loading speed. Google PageSpeed Insight simply analyzes just your page's code.

You can use for free to get a more accurate result for how much time takes two loads your pages and how much size of your page.

This tool will show you data on how your page takes a time to loads to real users, which is a much more accurate measurement show you of how your speed.

22 Ways To Land A Perfect PageSpeed Score:

Here I will explain you top 24 ways to score 100% of PageSpeed Insight tool. You can definitely increase your conservation, and decrease your bounce rate.

I have given my 100% to make this article more helpful if I am missing something, so kindly let me know in the comment section below.

These ways will definitely help you to optimize page loading time, and make your website or blog more conservative.

Step#1 Optimize Images

An Image happens only one source to describe your article in short time. It's equal to 1000 words like one man equal to an army.

The Image's quality also matters for search engine ranking. But Sometimes we use heavy images that make your page slow-down or shitty.

According to HTTP Archive survey, as of November 2016, images made up for on average 65% of a webpage total weight.

Actually, you need to customize your images size without losing its quality for ranking up on Google like a rocket.

The estimated 800 widths and 400 height image would be perfect for all screen types (That usually bloggers use).

There is no difference between different "Per Inch" in web layout for an image. Hence PPI (Pixel per inch) and DPI (Dots per inch) are not relevant to your blog or website photos quality.

But it's matters while your images will be printed. The different PPI image quality will be different.

The high PPI size increases your image size also.

Hence, you need to reduce it. For example, below given 2 same images that PPI changed you can see that image in the same quality.

Image size is 46KB and PPI is 802×250
Image size is 28KB and PPI is 500×156

But when you print them images, so difference happens to different PPI.

If you don't know about photoshop image customization, so you can use Photoscape and other free tools that are easy to use. You will reduce image size by 80% through the help of this tool.

Inside of this, you can use some WordPress plugins that make your work easier without spending time. Use WP smush Image WordPress plugin, this plugin is available for free and has tons of awesome features.

You can smush image automatically by adding this plugin. It will scan all your images that you upload to the WordPress site.

Instead of this, you can use some other popular WordPress plugins, that makes your work easy. Below are listed a few popular image optimization plugins:

- Imagify Image Optimizer

- Optimus Image Optimizer
- WP Smush
- TinyPNG

You can also use some online websites like compressor.ioOptimizilla, CompressJPEG, and TinPNG that make your work easy without investing time. This website allows you to compress your image size for free without decreasing quality.

You can reduce photo size by more than 80% in some cases without losing their quality by the help of this website.

And if you feel this is the biggest task, so you can use some Android apps that will make your work easier.

But I suggest you use Photoshop or Photoscape tool or Online website as the cause of quality.

Step#2 Specify Image Dimensions

While users' browser displays a web page it has to figure out how to layout content around images.

If browsers know what are the images size of your post, so it can make the browser work easy or it can speed up your pages.

With the help of specifying image's dimensions browser don't need to do extra work to find out the image's size to display the page.

If you are a WordPress user, so you can install Specify Image Dimensions plugin. This plugin specifies the images size to the user's browser that used in the post.

Step#3 Disable Hotlinking Of Images

What is hotlinking of images?

While another web owner uses your page image to display on his/her site, then they copy image source and use on their page.

Now that website owner displays your image (With the help of your server). This process uses the bandwidth of the original owner at their expense.

It is a big reason for stealing your bandwidth. By this stealing, your site goes slow-down. Because someone is using your bandwidth on his/her page.

Find out who is hotlinking your images and how to prevent image hotlinking in WordPress. Go to the links and follow their guide.

Step#4  Minify CSS & Javascript

Minifying your code is especially useful to interpreted languages that run over the Internet, such as CSS, HTML, and Javascript.

Sometimes our blog template has unnecessary white spaces, characters, and comments from CSS and Javascript files that make your page slow.

It is a big cause for make page slow-down. Google tells me about it in the page speed insight tool.

Programmers often leave many spaces while designing templates and comments while coding that can be even double the size of your CSS and Javascript files.

To fix this problem, you can use some tools that will make your server clean and remove unwanted spaces, characters, and comments from your CSS and Javascript.

Below are listed some popular tools that will help you to make web clean and fast:

1. Closure tools

Closure tools is a suite of tools those developed by the Google developers. This collection includes lots of tools to help speed up your Javascript code.

Below I described some popular useful tools in the list of closure tools that will help to minify your CSS code.

a. Closure Compiler

This tool will rewrite your code, minimize dead spaces. Closure compiler will also warn you about common javascript issues.

Your code will be optimized, short (Without white spaces), and easier to maintain.

b. Closer Linter

Closure Linter checks your files for issues like missing semicolons, operator placement, and spacing, etc. This tool helps to debug to ensure your code has all the necessary elements to run.

c. Closure Stylesheets

The Closure Stylesheets will make vendor-specific stylesheet and minify a list of stylesheets.

2. CSS Minifier

CSS Minifier is a free online tool. This tool will remove the spacing, indention, new lines, and comments in your CSS code and make your code simple space free. This tool is helpful to make your page faster.

3. Minifier Tool

This tool is extremely simple and easy to use. It works like a CSS minifier tool. Minifier tool will minify both CSS and Javascript for free.

4. JSCompress

JsCompress will minify your javascript size. This tool allows you to compress and minify all of your js files by up to 80% of their original size.

5. Online Javascript/CSS Compressor

This tool will minify your CSS, HTML, and Javascript using JS2, clean CSS, and HTML minifier. It has more valuable features than other online minifier.

Inside of this optimization, if you are a WordPress user, so you can use some useful plugins that make your work much easier. Below are listed popular WordPress plugins.

1. Better WordPress Minify

Better WordPress minify is a free plugin that will combine and minify your CSS and Javascript files. This is the best plugin that speeds up your WordPress site.

2. WP Super Minify

This free plugin compresses your CSS, JS, and HTML. This plugin has some useful setting as you can use.

If you select CTRL + u, so this plugin will tell you about your file size after and before compression.

3. WP Minify Fix

This is an advanced WordPress plugin than the older plugin. You even enable compression of JS, CSS, and HTML with this free plugin.

Step# 5 Use Browser Caching

How does browser caching impact your webpage speed? If you go any website who use browser caching, so in the first time website opening, its web logo, design, and other aspects will be downloaded in the user browser cache memory.

If the user again visits any other pages of that web, so the page is as soon as open, because that web's almost design was already downloaded in user's browser cache memory.

In short words, it works like "Remembering", means the user's browser remember your web logo and design, so hence only new content (Product or Article) is loading.

By this, you can improve and decrease by 70% time. This will be proven pretty to you.

But you are a blogger user, so you can't apply it to your blog even editing your template. Because blogger doesn't give you permission for it.

If you are a WordPress user, so you can use one of them some useful plugins for browser caching purpose.

Try using W3 Total Cache to your WordPress blog. This tool has over one million active installs.

This plugin claims that you can speed up your site at least a 10x improvement by W3 Total Cache.

This tool also helps to minifying HTML, Javascript, and CSS, it will even give you up to 80% bandwidth saving.

W3 Total Cache even helps you to achieve a higher result on Google's PageSpeed tool.

You can use this tool from today to make your site so fast, and it will easy boost site speed even if you don't have coding experience.

Step#6 Delete all plugins that you don't use

Plugins are a great way to extending the feature of your site. But most bloggers have implemented many plugins to their site that don't need.

We always forget about plugins make page bulky.

Every WordPress website has at least one or two useless plugins like a Jetpack.

Inside of this, useless plugins increase the number of Http requests that cause make a shitty site.

Step#7 Implement AMP

What is AMP? In short words "Accelerated Mobile Pages".

AMP is a Google open source project that allows sites to load faster. Why AMP made? The AMP is made to provide a sensational user experience across many platforms through the optimization of mobile pages.

While users open your content, so it helps to display your content as soon as and if the image is a little large, so heavy material (Images, GIF, videos) will display after the content.

AMP optimizes the loading time for content, images, videos, and animation while it is too heavy to open on the mobile browsers or social platform, this time it helps to provide better performance and decrease page loading time.

This post first appeared on Cute Knowledge, please read the originial post: here

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(24 Actionable Ways) Score 100% On Google PageSpeed Insights


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