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The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ **NEW DECK ALERT** Parsley's Conjuring Up Fluff Knows What, Fudge's Hissed Off, and Melvyn's Modelling This Weeks Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** WHAT DOES MELVYN DO AFTER HE'S FINISHED MODELLING?

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ **NEW DECK ALERT** Parsley's Conjuring Up Fluff Knows What, Fudge's Hissed Off, And Melvyn's Modelling This Weeks Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** WHAT DOES MELVYN DO AFTER HE'S FINISHED MODELLING?

Furbulous Greetings, Supurr FuriendsWelcome to the Bbhq Midweek News round-up!Jumping juniper berries, it's been a wild week of weather at BBHQ. Last week, it was all blustery gusts, with the trees shedding no end of leaves—yes, another job for the P.A. to deal with shortly. We had a deluge of rain on Friday and Caturday, with more angry and horrendously hostile wind intent on blowing everything

This post first appeared on Basil's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ **NEW DECK ALERT** Parsley's Conjuring Up Fluff Knows What, Fudge's Hissed Off, and Melvyn's Modelling This Weeks Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** WHAT DOES MELVYN DO AFTER HE'S FINISHED MODELLING?
