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Brain Training with Cats #88 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To June 2007 **Oh My Cod The Trees Are Tiny!!!**

Brain Training With Cats #88 With Your Epic Host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To June 2007  **Oh My Cod The Trees Are Tiny!!!**

Happy Monday Paweseome PalsWelcome to another fab Brain Training sesh on the blog today.And here's an epically Epic Throwback from June 2007, and oh my cod, the deodor and Scotch pine trees were tiny, they must have only gone in that year.Grampaw gave them to the P.A. and who knew way back then, what monsters they would grow into!!! MOLI have five words... "We need a bigger garden!" MOLIt's time

This post first appeared on Basil's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Brain Training with Cats #88 with your Epic host ~ Professor Basil P.H.D. **PLUS** An Epic Throwback To June 2007 **Oh My Cod The Trees Are Tiny!!!**
