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Mancat Monday at BBHQ Featuring Fudge and His Supurr Floof **DID MEW KNOW THIS?**

Mancat Monday At BBHQ Featuring Fudge And His Supurr Floof **DID MEW KNOW THIS?**

 Greetings Supurr furiendsIt's Mancat Monday, and mew know what that means, so today Fudge is here sharing all his uber manlycatness! Doesn't he cut a magnificent specimen of a ruggedly handsome mancat?We can almost guarantee all the ladycats in the blogosphere will be swooning right now over this gorgeous, fluffy Supurr Hero pin-up!WHAT A DUDE!!!Did Mew Know This About Fudge?

This post first appeared on Basil's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Mancat Monday at BBHQ Featuring Fudge and His Supurr Floof **DID MEW KNOW THIS?**
