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Mancat Monday at BBHQ ~ Starring Parsley aka Mr Sauce **AND DID MEW KNOW THIS? HE'S GOT A REALLY BIG SECRET TOO!!!**

Mancat Monday At BBHQ ~ Starring Parsley Aka Mr Sauce **AND DID MEW KNOW THIS? HE'S GOT A REALLY BIG SECRET TOO!!!**

 Happy Monday Supurr Floofy FuriendsIt's Mancat Monday, and mew know what that means... it's a mancat zone! MOL  Today, Parsley is here sharing all his rugged manlycatness, as we don't think he's featured on MCM for years either, like Melvyn last week! Isn't he a magnificent, handsome panfur! BBHQ'S HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE HOLDERHe's got the most lethal patherene claws.His

This post first appeared on Basil's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Mancat Monday at BBHQ ~ Starring Parsley aka Mr Sauce **AND DID MEW KNOW THIS? HE'S GOT A REALLY BIG SECRET TOO!!!**
