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Basil's Blog Blog
Tags: bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news melvyns supurr stretchy bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news commander basils thoughtful bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news bbhq midweek news melvyns epic autumnal bbhq midweek news supurr cute complete guide pay rise library catnip photo mewtonclawson library teams westbury brain training bbhq midweek midweek news bbhq midweek midweek news friday fluffers photo photo bloopers mancat monday bbhq midweek midweek news smoochs epic epic selfie mancat monday bbhq midweek midweek news photo friday fluffers photo bloopers parsleys epic mancat monday bbhq midweek midweek news photo friday fluffers photo bloopers mancat monday friday fluffers photo photo bloopers photo friday fluffers photo bloopers supurr stretchy melvyns supurr bbhq midweek midweek news photo friday fluffers photo bloopers basils catmint epic throwback brain training bbhq midweek midweek news photo friday fluffers sunday purrfect sunday multicat household bbhq midweek midweek news photo friday fluffers photo bloopers basils thoughtful commander basils bbhq midweek photo friday fluffers photo bloopers gentleman smoochs bbhq midweek midweek news photo friday fluffers photo bloopers fierce autumn midweek news bbhq midweek fail friday fluffers melvyns epic epic autumnal bbhq midweek midweek news cats rerun horse sunday supurr cute mancat monday epic mancat monday epic sunday mancat monday fudge supurr cat sunday epic friday birthday sandbox smoochs fierce selfie cat review westbury brain training selfie selfies cat despurrate furry basils parsleys pawty purrfect mondays cat despurrate epic gentleman supurr monday despurrate spooky crafting
Bionic Basil® is home of Basil and The B Team, the most fun cat blog in the UK and way beyond; featuring Feline Enrichment tips and ideas, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun!
Welcome To Friday Fluffers ~ Showcasing The Latest Batch Of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives **STARRING ALL THE B TEAM** Parsley's Mancat Monthly Pin-Up ~ Smooch's Sit Up Fail ~ Fudge's Epic Specs Appeal ~ Pandora's Close Up ~ Amber Had To Outdo Pandora ~ Melvyn's Epic Modelling Fail AND **BONUS FLUFFER** WHEN BASIL FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TANK  **PLUS** Friendly Fill-Ins AND Photo Fails Blog Hops
Happy Friyay Fab Pals Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light… Read More

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Basil's Blog
