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Greece 4


We need you for the war! We still need you for the awakening! You signed on for this. You knew the terms and conditions. 

Yes, I sigh, in a sort of resignation. This deal is a ball and chain, no offense. Tell me about the attacks, about the hyper-sensitivity that nearly drove me off the cliff. I'm no coward but there are limits to what my mind can handle. I'm of no use to the war effort when psychologically and spiritually burnt out.

Ever the dramatist, the drama queen!

Their laughter is like a spring, a waterfall. As always they seem good-natured and yet detached. Lacking physical vessels of course. How can you tell? 

You are important for the war, for the war on consciousness!

You walk among humans as a servant of the light. A lighthouse. You work as an antagonist for the shadow of man, yes that means you are always under some form of attack. See it as proof of your radiance!

Where is your sincere desire for ultimate freedom gone?

To once and for all transcend the wheel of death and rebirth?

Yes, you are needed for the war, for the great awakening, yet you do this for your own redemption.

Can you reconnect to that calling. That mission?  

This is starting to sound like a distorted Ayahuasca ceremony guys. I'm caught up in this grand duality play and I want out. The whole thing seems frightfully futile and yet here I am getting asked to go back into the play and put on a good show, be a good sport. I want out!

Take me back to the island. I need to stay in Greece. 

You are karmically bound to the fate of the earth. You are a generator of the new. Going through with your plan will only tighten the grip of your fate. If you succumb to this victim-hood you will lose your lead, lose your way, lose your ticket to play. Lather, rinse and repeat dear friend.  

My plan. My fate. This was not going well. The past was seeping in again. The pain. The trauma. Wake up! Wake up!

This post first appeared on Brow Of Calm, please read the originial post: here