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XDS vs XDM: Which Compact Springfield Should I Get?

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min read
Contest Of The Springfield Compacts: XD(M) vs XD-S

There are a number of great CCW guns made by Springfield Armory; two that people end up weighing against each other are the XD(M) vs. XD-S. These are two of the most popular compacts in Springfield's lineup and either would be solid choice of carry gun.

You'd be well-served with either one of these guns in your concealed carry holster, no doubt about it...but there are some differences that might add up to one being better for you than the other. It's not exactly the difference between chalk and cheese, but it's enough to tilt the table to one or the other depending on what you, the individual person doing some gun shopping, are looking for.

What are those differences between the XDS vs XDM? Let's find out!

The XD(M): A Match-Grade CCW

The XD(M) is the premier edition of the XD platform, with a number of improvements over the base XD and Mod2 product lines. Ostensibly the "M" is for "match-grade" as one of the features is a match-grade barrel.

Other improvements include a revised take-down mechanism, which doesn't require pulling the trigger (which releases the sear and uncocks the firing pin on guns that do), which some people appreciate as a gun safety feature. There is also revised texturing on the slide and frame compared to the XD and Mod 2. The XDM also has changeable back straps.

You also get a standard red fiber-optic front sight with a twin white-dot ramp rear sight.

As to the fun bits, the XD(M) compact has a 3.8-inch barrel. You can choose the compact model, with a shortened grip, or the full-size 3.8-inch model. Most people will elect to choose the compact. This model has an overall length of 6.75 inches, standing 4.75 inches tall and 1.18 inches wide, nice and compact. Weight is 28 ounces with an unloaded compact length magazine.

The XDM comes in 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP, though the .45 ACP model brings width to 1.26 inches, length to 6.9 inches but weight to 27 ounces. Capacity is 13+1 of 9mm, 11+1 of .40 S&W or 9+1 of .45 ACP in the flush-fit magazines. Extended mags bring capacity to 19+1, 16+1 and 13+1, respectively.

So, compact size, good features and relatively high capacity. For this, Springfield Armory asks $631 MSRP for the base model compact in 9mm. You can opt for a stainless slide for an extra $64.

Springfield XDM 3.8 Specs: Overall Length*: 6.75"

.45 Cal version: 6.9" Height: 4.75" Barrel Length: 3.8" Width: 1.18" Weight*: 28oz

.45 Cal version: 27oz Capacity*: 13+1 9mm, 11+1 .40 S&W, 9+1 .45 ACP

Extended Capacity: 19+1 9mm, 16+1 .40 S&W, 13+1 .45 ACP
Desperately Seeking Single Stack? Survey The XD-S

The XD-S is one of Springfield's most popular carry guns and for good reason. It's a solid single-stack subcompact striker gun, and it is a breeze to carry every day.

Just as the S&W Shield is the model flying off shelves for Smith and Wesson, the XD-S is for Springfield.

The XD-S 3.3-inch barrel model is the most popular, for obvious reasons. It stands 6.3 inches long, 4.4 inches tall and 0.9 inches wide, weighing in at 23 ounces with an empty magazine. It chambers 9mm, .40 and .45 ACP. The .45 ACP model is actually 1.5 ounces lighter, oddly enough.

Capacity is 7+1, 6+1 or 5+1 - depending on chambering - with a flush-fit magazine, though you can add one round to each with an extended magazine.

However, the XD-S has a lot in common with the XD(M), in that it has some premium features. Fiber optic front sights are standard, and it likewise comes with changeable backstraps. Switch to the one you like for easier shooting.

Unfortunately, though, you will have to pull the trigger to take it down. With that said, fewer bullets in the magazine also results in fewer dollars needing to be plunked down, as the XD-S starts at $499 for the base model in 9mm.

Springfield XDs 3.3 Specs: Overall Length: 6.3" Height: 4.4" Barrel Length: 3.3" Width: 0.9" Weight*: 23oz

.45 ACP version: 21.5oz Capacity*: 7+1 9mm, 6+1 .40, 5+1 .45 ACP

Extended Mag Capacity: 8+1 9mm, 7+1 .40, 5+1 .45 ACP
Choosing Between XDM vs. XDS

How do you choose? In reality, the difference between XD(M) vs. XDS pistols is actually not huge. The difference is about a half-inch in length and about a quarter inch in width and height, and about 5 ounces in weight. No one is going to have any problems carrying or concealing either gun.

However, there are a couple of different features that are likely to tilt a person in one direction or another.

Both are good shooters. Both carry sufficient ammunition for defensive applications, though the XD(M) obviously holds more. For the person that wants or demands higher capacity (no one ever wishes they'd brought fewer bullets) from their carry gun, the XD(M) is the pick. Since it can also be used with full-size magazines (though a grip sleeve is a good idea) you can carry 19 rounds in your spare. In terms of round count, the XDM vs XDs fight is won in a walk.

Some people insist on comfort in carrying and that's where the XDS might hold a bit of an edge. It's not monumentally smaller than the XD(M); it's not like the XDS vs. XD(M) dimensions are the difference between a VW Beetle and the USS Enterprise. (Any of them, real or imaginary.) It's barely smaller, in any dimension, but a little bit of real estate saved inside the waistband can actually make a difference.

Some people want the smallest carry gun possible for ease of carrying. While the XDM compact is hardly a difficult gun to carry, the XD-S is easier. To the right person, that will matter, and for that sort the XD-S is the gun to get.

Aside from those two attributes, there isn't too much to set apart one or the other between the XDM vs. XDS. Besides a (arguably) better barrel and some cosmetic differences, a lot of the features are exactly the same. The XDS does require a trigger pull to take down, but anyone getting into the plastic fantastics had better be prepared to do that.

And try them both out! You'll probably get a feel for which one you like better, and which shoots better for you. A gun you don't shoot well is one you won't carry, after all.

When you head to the range to try these firearms out for yourself, use one of our free printable shooting targets!

Click the image below to download a free 8.5" x 11" printable shooting target!

Looking for more handgun comparisons? Alien Gear Holsters has you covered: M&P Shield vs Springfield XDs Sig P938 vs Kimber Micro 9 Sig P320 vs Glock 19 Beretta 92 vs Glock 17

About The Author

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This post first appeared on Sports Gamers Online, please read the originial post: here

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XDS vs XDM: Which Compact Springfield Should I Get?


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