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Lamia: my first new artwork made in Hastings

Lamia: My First New Artwork Made In Hastings

A detail from another shot in the Lamia photoshoot

Two weekends ago my studio in my flat here in Hastings got its first proper use: a session of life-drawing (drawings below) followed by the Lamia photoshoot (prints of which are available here).

Although I felt a little out-of-practice with the life-drawing — I haven’t done any since the beginning of June — I was fairly pleased with the results, although there’s room for improvement.

The two life-drawings from that session

So I want to get into the habit of doing at least two sessions of Artwork every month — preferably with a model (whether that’s life-drawing, photography, or both) — so that it becomes a regular and frequent part of my artistic practice.

This post first appeared on The Artist’s Notebook, please read the originial post: here

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Lamia: my first new artwork made in Hastings
