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What Motivates Most Politicians?
What motivates most politicians? Why do they care about some issues, and not others? Sometimes politicians will ignore serious issues and focus on more trivial incidents, but why is this?… Read More
How Civilizations Fall?
How and why civilizations fall, what are the warning signs, and is this currently happening to the western world? How Civilizations Fall? Political/Social Instability & Corruption… Read More
DEI Needs To Die
What is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and does it improve worker productivity and morale like some claim? Plus, why DEI needs to die! What is DEI? I keep seeing jobs such as D… Read More
The emotion of envy is often a powerful motivator, and it’s often hidden behind other motivations and reasons. Envy is an emotion which can be described as the displeasure felt when… Read More
Why do we keep getting more and more regulations aka restrictions imposed upon us, and why are they very difficult to remove and how they restrict human progress? The Purpose of Regulatio… Read More
What is the danger zone when it comes to intelligence and what does it mean, and how can being more intelligent than the average be dangerous? This is something that I have covered before… Read More
What are some of the most common signs that people with high intelligence possess? Can you relate to any of these signs? Some of these traits may be obvious. However, some will not be so… Read More
How do people generally measure their success in life? Is it having a nice car, a big home, earning more than your neighbour, being in a relationship, or being married? This article was part… Read More
Most people probably think that they know themselves, but do they really? If you don’t know yourself, can you know other people? This article is about answering those connected questio… Read More

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Psychology, Personality & Self Help
