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10 Signs Your Antidepressant Dose Is Too Low – Esteem Behavioral Healthcare Blog
Mental health management is an intricate process — each step is as important as the next. Medication is often a partner in this process, working hand in hand with therapy, lifestyle adjustments, and social support to maintain a healthy step. But what happens when you experience a dip in your mental health despite adhering to your treatment plan? It’s possible that your antidepressant medication isn’t quite in step with your needs. This is serious; a low dosage of antidepressant can make symptoms worse or cause relapse. One has to know when they are being undermedicated in the course for self-advocacy for mental health. In this post, we explore 10 signs your antidepressant dose is too low and the steps you can take to address it.
Drugs and other substances can harm a person’s overall health. People who suffer from long-term substance abuse and addiction may notice changes in their bodies and health as they cont… Read More

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10 Signs Your Antidepressant Dose Is Too Low – Esteem Behavioral Healthcare
