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A Report From The Who Suggests That India Must Develop Healthcare Skills That Are Equipped For The Future Over The Next Two Decades. Blog
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India’s healthcare sector is at a critical juncture, facing challenges that demand a new set of skills from professionals. Over the next two decades, the World Health Organisation (WHO) report predicts a complex situation with demographic shifts, a surge in chronic diseases, and the necessity for innovative healthcare models. In response, healthcare management professionals in India must embrace skills beyond the traditional model. IIM Indore, recognizing the need for an advanced skill set, stands out with its Executive Programme in Healthcare Management. This program is designed to guide healthcare professionals in understanding the intricacies of the evolving healthcare industry while instilling a forward-thinking approach. The demographic advantage India holds, with its sizable youth population, calls for a proactive approach to healthcare management. “As the WHO indicates in its Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: ‘The ability to respond to the diverse health needs of people in different settings and across the life course is increasingly critical for achieving universal health coverage.'” A standout feature of the IIM Indore program is its focus on integrating technology into healthcare management. According to PwC, the integration of digital health technologies is ready to revolutionize healthcare, improving accessibility, affordability, and overall efficiency. Professionals well-versed in technology will play an important role in shaping this transformation. The program also looks closely into the complexities of healthcare finance and economics, recognizing the evolving world of healthcare financing. With a shift towards public-private partnerships and innovative financing mechanisms, the need for professionals capable of handling these complexities is evident. Public health management is another critical facet covered by the program. Beyond individual patient care, India’s healthcare challenges extend to population health. As the Lancet Global Health Commission highlights, achieving health and well-being for all requires comprehensive approaches that address social determinants of health, environmental factors, and community engagement.

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A report from the WHO suggests that India must develop healthcare skills that are equipped for the future over the next two decades.
