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[LFCS] Commands to manage and configure containers in Linux

Tags: docker

- LXC(Linux container) is an OS level virtualization for running multiple isolated Lx systems (containers) using single kernel

- LXC combines the kernel's cgroups (Control Groups) to provide isolated space for our application

- Lx kernel provides the cgroups functionality + namespace isolation --> cgroups is the brain behind the virtualization

- cgroups provides { resource limiting, prioritization, accounting and control }

- various projects use cgroups as their basis, including Docker, CoreOS, RH, Hadoop, libvirt, LXC, Open Grid/Grid Engine, Kubernetes, systemd, mesos and mesoshpere

- initial version of Docker had LXC as execution environment, but later replaced with libcontianer written in go lang

- both dockers and LMCTFY taken over the containers space and used by many companies

>>>LXC – Linux container commands

$ sudo -i {switch to root account}

$ apt update

$ free -m { check your memory availability, -m for MB, -G for GB }

$ apt install lxc  { linux container, docker is based on this/type of }

$ systemctl status lxc.service

$ systemctl enable lxc

$ lxc ->tab -> tab  { to see all the lxc- commands }

$ cd /usr/share/lxc/templates

$ ls { should see the list of templates }

$ lxc-create -n mylxcontainer -t ubuntu { should create ubuntu container based on the specified template}

$ lxc-ls { list the local container, ubuntu should appear with name mylxcontainer }

$ lxc-info -n mylxcontainer { should see the status as STOPPED }

$ lxc-start -n mylxcontainer

$ lxc-info -n mylxcontainer { should see the state as RUNNING }

$ lxc-console -n mylxcontainer { console login to the container, username -ubuntu, pass-ubuntu }

$ ubuntu@mylxcontainer:~$ { upon login your console prompt changes takes you to ubuntu }

$ uname -a or hostname { to confirm you are within the container }

$ Type to exit the console

$ lxc-stop -n mylxcontainer

$ lxc-destroy -n mylxcontainer

>>>Docker container commands

$ apt update

$ free -m

$ apt install

$ systemctl enable docker

$ systemctl start docker

$ systemctl status docker

$ docker info

$ docker version

$ docker run hello-world { to pull the hello-world for testing }

$ docker ps

$ docker ps -la or $ docker ps -a { list all the containers }

$ docker search apache or microsoft { to search container by name }

$ docker images { to list all the images in localhost }

$ docker pull ubuntu

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 nginx  { for nginx, -it for interative }

$ docker ps -la { list all the containers, look for container_id, type first 3 letters which is enough }

$ docker start container_id or ubuntu { say efe }

$ docker stop efe

$ docker run -it ubuntu bash

$ root@efe34sdsdsds:/# { takes to container bash }
  to switch back to terminal

$ docker save debian -o mydebian.tar

$ docker load -i mydebian.tar

$ docker export web-container -o xyz.tar

$ docker import xyz.tar

$ docker logs containername or id

$ docker logs -f containername or id { live logs or streaming logs }

$ docker stats

$ docker top container_id

$ docker build -t my-image dockerfiles/ or $ docker build -t aspnet5 .  { there is a dot at the end to pick the local yaml file for the build }

>>>for working with Azure Container Registry
  $ az acr login --name myregistry
  $ docker login -u xxxxxxxx -p myPassword
  $ docker pull nginx
  $ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 nginx { Browse to http://localhost:8080  }
      {To stop and remove the container, press Control+C.}
  $ docker tag nginx
  $ docker push
  $ docker pull
  $ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80
  $ docker rmi
  $ docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress }}" nginx
  $ az acr repository delete --name myregistry --repository samples/nginx --tag latest --manifest
  $ docker run -d redis (By default, Docker will run a command in the fg. To run in the bg, the option -d needs to be specified.)
  $ docker run -d redis:latest
  $ docker start $(docker ps -a -q)
  $ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

>>>docker minified version

$ docker pull

$ docker images

$ docker run httpd

$ docker ps [-a | -l]

$ docker info

$ docker run httpd                          

$ curl 

$ docker stop httpd

$ docker rmi -f  

$ systemctl stop docker

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[LFCS] Commands to manage and configure containers in Linux


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