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In Comparison: Four Transcendental Requests

In this article, excerpts are presented offering examples of some phenomenal requests found in the annals of transcendental communication, encompassing reports from Flying Saucer 'contactees' and psychic/trance mediums.
Truman Bethurum while aboard a flying saucer was provided with letters that offer proof of his experiences.  The first book published about the case is Aboard a Flying Saucer (1954).

There have been previous blog articles about the Truman Bethurum flying saucer contactee case (including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).  Truman wrote several books about boarding a flying saucer on eleven occasions and meeting 'Aura Rhanes,' the female captain ("approximately four feet, six inches" tall) of the mysterious spacecraft.  Her crew were also "olive-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed people" with the tallest of the men "about five feet, two or three inches."

Truman later described being at home when he experienced a unique visit from Aura (The Voice of the Planet Clarion, 1957).  The recalled commentary is not verbatim.
First Week of December, 1955

Aura said, "I want you to find sufficient land in your area to promote and build a 'Sanctuary of Thought,' away from any populous center, high above your town, where the people of your Earth—all people—may come to visit in a healthy, peaceful atmosphere!  Where all may hear and be heard!
"A SANCTUARY where religious beliefs, racial status, poverty or wealth will neither be an asset nor a liability!  A place where equality alone will be recognized!  Where only the laws of your land, the laws of your Bible and the rights of your fellowmen, will be your accepted guide!
"You are directed to locate a desirable location of sufficient size for the expansion of the Sanctuary as conditions warrant.
"You are to make this your determination, and to see this project through to completion!
"The financing of the complete Sanctuary is to be through your friends and my friends!  Yes, the friends of PEACE in this world of yours!
"My purpose in bringing this message to you is so that you and your people of your Earth Planet can, and will, bring PEACE to your troubled world!
"Yes, this MUST and WILL be done!
"A continuation of the actions of the Nations of the Earth planet will only end in total destruction!"
There were additional instructions, concluding with the final statement of Aura as recalled by Truman:
"I implore you to act quickly!  With all compassion to your Earth planet, from my people of the peaceful planet of CLARION!"
Some more details of the incident are included in The People of the Planet Clarion (1970) edited and compiled by Timothy Green Beckley.  The book presented a compilation of unpublished material by Truman.

On or about December 1, 1955, while I was living in a little yellow house on Granite Street in Prescott, Arizona, I was awakened in the middle of the night by AURA RHANES walking into my room from the parlor!

This proved how true was her previous assertion, that she could find anyone anywhere at any time.

She was dressed as I had seen her before, with a black velvet jacket or blouse and a red pleated skirt, except that this time she was she was covered with a raincoat that appeared to be of a heavy transparent plastic, of brownish-grey hue.  After her radiant smile of greeting, her face became very serious indeed as she leaned against the bureau by the side of my bed.

There was a description of what happened after Aura's discourse.
Then she walked out the way she came, after nodding adieu to me with another brilliant smile.  I wanted to follow her, but something held me fast, sitting on the side of my bed.

Another person was in the next bedroom, and the next morning she told me she had overheard every word and surmised that it was AURA RHANES.  She wanted to come into my room to see her too, but that same "something" also had held her so that she could not move when she tried to arise from her bed.  To verify her assertion, I asked her to repeat some things she had overheard, and they were correct.  She was an unseen witness to this phenomenon.

As it hadn't been raining when AURA visited me, I wondered why she had worn a raincoat.  Was she using it as a portentous symbol of something in the future from which I would need protection, or was it as a suggestion to cultivate endurance and persistence in following her advice?
Another of the 'contactees' (a topic of a previous blog article when 'Diane' from Venus materialized during a Los Angeles seance)—Dana Howard—wrote that 'Diane' instructed her to erect 'The Alter in the Wilderness Shrine,' which Howard described would be "a nucleating center for the healing of the ills of mankind."  Howard planned to build the shrine in the vicinity of San Jacinto Mountain.

Dana Howard's books include My Flight to Venus (1954), Over The Threshold (1957) and Up Rainbow Hill (1959).

Here are excerpts from Diane—She Came from Venus (1956).

The beautiful DIANE came to your author sixteen years ago.  Her melodious voice vibrated through the vastness of the cosmos.  This same voice has been heard on many occasions since the release of MY FLIGHT TO VENUS.  Sometimes it has followed me over the cactus-studded desert where I love to roam.  It has come in silent moments driving along the highways.

A section of the book was entitled "The Discourses of Diane."  The following passages are from the final discourse entitled "ON—HEALING."

"Inspired vision is the harbinger of events to come.  One of the great revelations of your day came when you were told to erect a healing shrine on this strip of hallowed earth.  Countless miracle healings will take place here.  Many who come to visit will be carried away on waves of spiritual ecstasy.  Others will experience newly awakened minds.  There will be a few to whom illumination will come.  In the days ahead this holy shrine will be one of the contact points between the Planet Venus and the Planet Earth.  Many will hear the voices from other spheres.

"My daughter . . . the sacred incandescent flame enkindled in you before departure for our land of glory will be likewise enkindled in others.  I say to you, keep the incense pots always burning.  Keep your fires alive on the holy altar.  You will then be able to sea our beacon lights.  You will be able to communicate with us.  Moreover you will know GOD in the true light of knowing GOD.

"I take my leave now, my daughter, for I have much work to do on other planes.  I work not only on the concrete planes of existence, but in the etheric worlds as well.  I go now to my etheric home on Ether-Cana.

"I shall return—but in the interim of waiting, carry on your work with an enlightened heart.  Fear not the setbacks that will be strewn in your path.  The door to transcendental realizations has been opened.  Use your potentialities to the utmost limit.  When in doubt—you will always find the answer here in your desert sanctuary.

"God bless you, my earth child . . . till we meet again."


Dana Howard and Truman Bethurum each resided in the Los Angeles area during a period of their lifetimes.  The People of the Planet Clarion is available in a 1995 edition entitled Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum edited and with an introduction by Timothy Green Beckley.  In a chapter about his life before his first contact, Truman mentioned having bought a home near Bellflower, California.  Contactees Orfeo Angelucci and Daniel Fry (whose cases are reported in many previous articles at this blog) also resided in Southern California during an interval of their lives.

A famous medium who wrote about visiting Southern California was Eileen Garrett (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).  Among the anecdotes in Eileen’s autobiographical book Awareness (1943) was one that occurred at Cannes in France during World War II.

The incident occurred at a small thirteenth century church, St. Cassian's, where Eileen wrote that she heard St. Cassian speak to her about the history of the site.  She explained that at the time she had three friends for whom life was being drastically difficult.

So, at last, under the pressure of the time and place, I asked St. Cassian for three miracles—that the disaster which threatened each of my friends might be solved and averted in right ways, and that their present distresses might be turned into joy.  And as the weeks went by I had news from each of my three friends.  The illness of one had been healed; the financial threat to the second had been relieved by the  notice of an unexpected legacy; the danger had been definitely removed from the future of the third.

So I went again to the little church to thank St. Cassian for his three miracles.  And in the timeless silence of the empty place he said to me, "You asked for three miracles.  I ask for but one.  Will you do it for me?  I caused this shrine to be erected in order that the faith of men might be justified through the healing of their distresses.  But that purpose has been forgotten.  You know the power is here, do you not?  Will you, then, restore this shrine to its original intention, for only in that way can it again fully justify its existence?"

"I am willing in spirit and gratitude," I said, "but the flesh . . . What can I do?  I have neither money nor prestige sufficient . . ."

"You recognize the power, and you have the faith."

"Yes, I have," I acknowledged.  "And I will do what you ask—somehow."

"It is well," he said.  "You can also show me a kindness.  In the Tanneron, I have another little shrine.  It is known as the Shrine of St. Cassian.  Be good enough to go there and open the door—that is all, just open the door."

A few days later I drove out and found the little chapel, which was in a ruinous condition, and I opened the door, as I had been directed.  As I did so, three bats flew out, and I knew, strangely but clearly, that the little building no longer held the spirit of holiness, but was consigned to a fate of utter ruin and disintegration.

Incidentally I may say that the Church of St. Cassian, at Cannes, still awaits rededication to its original mission.  To do something about this is my uncompleted undertaking.  I do not possess St. Cassian's facility in miracles; yet I am very sure within myself that when this war is ended, and France is recovering from her wounds, St. Cassian's at Cannes will become an important center for the manifestation of new faith and healing in the world . . .
Eileen divulged that upon telling of this experience to her friends, she had been asked, "But how did he speak to you?  Were you in trance?"  She explained: "I heard him speak to me directly, as one person might hear another speaking distinctly in an adjoining room.  It was an unusual experience for me, in the drowsy sunlit afternoon—an aural experience, direct and purely sensory."

An account of a 'phenomenal request' made through trance mediumship is included in Ena Twigg's 1972 autobiography.  Presented below, this chapter is entitled "Philip Communicates" and subtitled "Advice To The Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship."

The information is presented: "It is only on very rare occasions that Philip, Ena's spiritual teacher, communicates with her sitters.  He uses the medium's body and voice to bring advanced teaching and enlightenment to those invited for this special occasion and purpose.  His communications to the president and officers of the Spiritual Foundation Fellowship are of heightened interest because of their rarity."

A small group of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship officers met with Mrs. Twigg in August of 1970 for the purpose of receiving guidance for the organization.  Philip, Ena Twigg's spirit teacher, made it a rare occasion by coming through to advise the group, which included the Reverend Ross Sweeny, pastor of the Riverside Methodist Church, in Riverside, Illinois, the current president of SFF; his wife, Agnes Sweeny; William Holes, vice-president of the SFF; and Paul Wilkinson.

Said Philip: "We wish you to form small dedicated units who will sit in silent meditation and open themselves to their God, not for the sake of self but to understand what God is going to use them for more fully.  We want very much to see a place situated in your country where people can gather and foregather, be instructed and guided.  They would be assisted by those who are sensitive enough to our world, in whatever capacity those sensitives can serve.  It would be much more than a school or a church.  It would be like a university."

"The blessing is already there, and the building is in the etheric already," Philip said through Mrs. Twigg.  "There is water running near this ground and it is high ground and there are mountains somewhere, right?"  The group agreed.

"My sons and my dear daughter, when you have this place solid on your earth, will you invite us into the interior of the building that we might strengthen, support, guide, instruct, and give what we know of wisdom . . . and all we have of love?  These things are important.  Keep faith.  Keep in tune with the universal harmony. . . . People have been caught up in a rhythm of destruction and materialism, and so our world dropped you as stars in your environment to shine."

At one point Mrs. Twigg said: "You feel the power around you.  You feel the sense of belonging to your God, and Philip says, 'My children, if you knew the joy you give us giving us the opportunity to speak to you in simple language.  This is so treasured by us.  Your world is so deaf.  It does not feel the gentle persuasion from our world.  There is a better way, is there not, and Jesus said that he would not leave you comfortless, didn't he? . . .

"'This is one joy in our world: if we find those who listen, take the little message to your heart and into your soul.  Do you know what your soul is?  You have found your souls.  You know it is you.  It is you.  And the soul and the spirit welded together will forge onwards and upwards to new dimensions of understanding.'"

In one segment of the sitting Philip spoke of Agnes Sweeny.  "There is one who would long to teach and to give instruction, and he would be behind the lady," he said.  "Be aware, and the words will be given to you after your prayer; and the door is open, and through it is the new insight, the new strength, the new courage."

Suddenly, partway through the sitting, a voice came through Mrs. Twigg, speaking with a strong foreign accent.  It said: "I was a little boy who was killed in the Spanish War, and this lady not have me speak before.  First peoples I have ever speaked to."
Agnes Sweeney: We are very happy to have you.

Twigg/Pedro: I am Pedro and much happy, much happy, much good happiness.

Agnes Sweeney: You are joyful.

Twigg/Pedro: Yes, and I have come to tell you something.  I have come to make myself known to this Aunt Agnes lady.  I come because I want you to know me.  And I will not stay with this lady.  I will come with you.

Agnes Sweeney: Come with me, Pedro.

Twigg/Pedro: Philip said to me—he is a wise old man and he said to me, "Come, little one, you make them speak.  You speak to them . . . because you for son Agnes lady, and you go to altar in a church, you know, and you put little flowers for the children.  I will help you, please."  When I was killed, I no longer had a body, and I was Catholic, you see? . . . And I do not know what to do without a body because the body was gone; it was broken up . . . the big bang . . . and the body was gone, and so I had a big job to wait to put myself together.  And Philip said, "Now is the time; here they are." . . . And I want you to pray for me.

Pedro said he had a donkey with him.  "Why not a donkey in our world?  Because Jesus sat on a donkey, and if it is good enough for Jesus . . ."

Pedro said again to come into the church and put flowers there, and "the children from my world will come and pray.  This is what we try to do: make two worlds one."

When Pedro left, Philip came in to say, "That was a surprise, wasn't it?  But it was necessary that you go nearer to him, have him as one of your helpers and supporters, a little child who knew little of love and little of life and much of poverty and much of fear.  He has now found security, and he is now ready."
Ena Twigg commented about 'Philip' in her autobiography:
On the Other Side there are highly evolved entities who come to us to teach, to help us evolve spiritually, and sometimes to impart to us the plans that are in preparation in their world for our world.  Teachers like Philip are never involved in bringing evidence of survival or of the departed loved ones of sitters.  We love our teacher dearly, and many learned and advanced people—scholars, clergy, government leaders—have come to our home to listen to Philip.  Of course, I am always in a trance, but we have many recordings and transcriptions of his lectures.

This post first appeared on Interesting Articles, Links And Other Media, please read the originial post: here

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In Comparison: Four Transcendental Requests


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