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How to get your ex boyfriend back fast by following these 6 steps

You had something good. At least you thought it was good. Now it’s gone.

Surely, you’re spending sleepless nights wondering how to get your ex Boyfriend back.

This guide can teach you how to get your ex boyfriend back fast.


Maybe you’ve tried to make him change his mind, pleaded, fought, apologized.

If you have, you probably made him believe he’s made the right choice.

Don’t give in to despair. It’s not over yet.

Here’s the deal:

Start reading these 6 steps to see how to get your ex back and be happily in Love again.

Table of contents

Step#1 The silence treatment

Step#2 Reasons you parted ways

Step#3 Becoming happy without your ex

Step #4 The contact

Step #5 Remind him of the good times

Step #6 Seal the deal

It’s important that you follow the instructions and not improvise a lot. Your emotional state is chaotic now. You need someone with a cool head to tell you what to do.

If you’re thinking:

But I want him back fast!

This is fast, as much as it can be. You mustn’t skip steps and rush things. Indeed, emotions are tricky, but they can be manipulated.

So, essentially,

You’ll become a sweet little cunning manipulator walking her way through this with ease.

Can you learn how to win him back?


Let’s go on and deal with each of the 6 steps and you’ll see how to get your ex boyfriend back.

If you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back, learn more about the Silence Treatment first.

Step#1 The Silence treatment

How to get your boyfriend back using the no contact rule?

You were hoping that this guide won’t tell you to stick with the no-contact period?

Well, sorry, but you’ll have to. From this moment on, stop every contact with your ex. Erase yourself from the face of the Earth. At least, let him think that way.

Add some mystery to your persona.

Let’s say,

Don’t post anything on social networks. Don’t go to places he might see you. Let him ponder on what’s happened to you.

How to get him back if no contact rule is not applicable?

If you work together, limit the contact to the minimum, meaning to only job-related matters. Be professional, as with any other person you work with.

Meaning, don’t let him be personal with you. Don’t let him see that you’re screaming inside “I want him back”! Play it cool.

If you live near each other, saying “Hi” with a smile will be enough. If he asks you a question, talk to him as with any other neighbor, answer and move on.

If you’re wondering:

How long do I need to stay silent?

To begin with, at least for two weeks. But it’s actually optional whether you’ll keep doing that or stop at one point. Due to the fact that every relationship is different, adjust the time to your own situation.

You’ll learn how to win him back using these 6 steps, but it’s up to you how long you’ll ignore him.

However, if your ex boyfriend starts showing the signs his heart has melted earlier, or there’s a situation that you must contact him, do it.

What if he contacts you?

Above all, use common sense. The purpose is to give you both time to heal. Although you were mad when he broke up with you, it shouldn’t be hurtful to him. Whatever happens, don’t use this method for a revenge.

If you see that he has regretted, give him another chance.

In case you’re wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back easy by ignoring him, keep reading to find out.

Why is the silent treatment important?

This will help you understand how to get your ex boyfriend back using male psychology.

1. His ego will be hurt

Men are driven by ego, most of the time. For this reason, he’ll subconsciously think that it’s not possible you’re over him already.

He’ll start wondering what’s going on. Therefore, he’ll spend more and more time thinking about you, and eventually start missing you.

2. It gives him time to realize he misses you

Let him have some time alone. Don’t worry, he can’t forget you that fast.

Everywhere he goes, he’ll see a reminder of you. In a cafe where you used to drink coffee together, in his kitchen, when he sees that set of glasses you bought.

In certain smells and sounds.

Due to the fact that he once loved you, and these memories will remind him of what it felt like.

3. He won’t be expecting that

The element of surprise plays an important role. If you stop reaching out immediately after the breakup, he won’t have time to forget you.

Because all he’ll be thinking about is why you aren’t calling. He’ll soon start wondering if you’ve moved on, start browsing your Facebook and Instagram page.

If you stay consistent, he won’t find out anything significant. Consequently, the curiosity will grow with each passing day.

For instance:

If you meet any of his friends in the street, they’ll be expecting you to look desperate and ask for him.

Don’t do that!

Make sure you’re at your best whenever you go to places you might stumble upon one of his friends.

And don’t, by any means, ask for him.

Trust me, it won’t go unnoticed.

Give him the silence treatment he’ll never forget!

Keep following the steps to learn more on how to win him back fast.

What should you do during the silence treatment?

Use this time to think and self-reflect. Think of the reasons that lead you to this situation.

He broke up with you for a reason. He’s tired of you and he doesn’t want to see you anymore.

This may be harsh, but that’s what you need to hear to get back to reality. Act as if he doesn’t exist anymore.

Don’t expect for every problem that caused the breakup to disappear by itself. You’ll have to work out what exactly caused the breakup and change.

Should you change yourself?

He didn’t like the old you anymore, so you have to become a new, improved version of yourself.

So this is not about how to get him back. It’s about how to change what was wrong and never suffer again.

Keep reading to start dealing with what caused the breakup and learn how to get your ex boyfriend back easy and fast.

Step #2 The reasons you parted ways

There are countless reasons why a relationship breaks. The same rules don’t apply to every situation. Here are some preconditions for you to fulfill to get your ex boyfriend back, depending on the cause of the breakup.

Once you deal with those, you can move on to some real action.

But first things first.

You’ll need to remove the reasons that caused you two to part ways.

Let’s see what led to your breakup:

Reason #1 You cheated

How to get your ex back when he broke up with you because you cheated?

It happens. Deal with it.

Accept your part of the responsibility if you want to learn how to get your ex boyfriend back. You are not a monster for doing that. He probably had his fingers in it.

What might be the reasons for your misbehavior?

Let’s go through each of the reasons and try to eliminate them.

You lack self-esteem

Maybe you grew up surrounded by people who were always telling you that you weren’t good enough.

Perhaps you’ve been criticized all your life. If that’s the case, it’s very likely that you’ll find the partner who does that to you.

It’s a learned behavior that’s hard to shake off. Most of the people who lack self-confidence come from such families.

You don’t let people badger you on purpose, you are used to that and don’t even notice.

When people see that you behave like a doormat, they unconsciously take advantage of it.

How did your ex help you cheat?

Your ex should’ve seen that and tried to help you. Instead, he used your insecurity to feel better about himself.

The more he did it, the more insecure you felt.

But how does it reflect on you cheating on your boyfriend?

The simple fact is:

You don’t feel appreciated and you seek validation elsewhere.

To illustrate:

You go to a bar and a hot guy approaches you. He starts saying how beautiful and smart you are.

Something you don’t often get from your boyfriend. You feel the rush immediately. Of course, you can’t resist.

It’s beyond reason because you’re unconsciously looking for ways to boost your self-confidence. This situation is a quick fix.

The solution:

This isn’t something that can go away once you become aware of it. It’s rooted deep inside you. You should probably see a therapist about it.

In the meantime, there are a couple of other things you can do:

  • Try to suppress your urge to take advantage of the situations that make you feel worthy if they are morally questionable.
  • Read some self-help books.
  • Do things that make you feel proud of yourself. If you’re good at something, do it as often as you can.
  • Avoid people that undermine you. Take a close look at your friends. Choose carefully who you spend time with.
  • Never say bad things about yourself. If no one else wants to do it, at least you can tell yourself that you’re great. Do it many times a day.
Your sex life was boring

In the first few months of every relationship, sex is great. At least you think so. After all, you are crazy in love.

You don’t see the little signs that point to the fact that your sex isn’t that great at all. Maybe you see it, but choose to close your eyes to it.

Once that infatuation fades away and your relationship is on stable legs, the first signs of boredom start to show up. You start noticing the things he does that you don’t like.

Always the same sex positions that bore you to death. Always the same place. You start losing orgasms. He doesn’t care. Consequently, having sex becomes an obligation to you.

What was the role of your ex in cheating?

When I said that he probably had his fingers in your cheating, this is what I meant. The sex was probably boring to him also.

But he didn’t say or do anything. You didn’t either, but it’s his fault as much as yours.

So, if you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back, know this:

It’s not nice what you did, but you should accept your part of the guilt and forgive yourself.

If you don’t forgive yourself, that question will always be somewhere in the air between you and your ex.

How to forgive yourself for cheating?

  • You should set apart your actions from who you really are. Our actions do define us to some point. But if you are essentially a nice person, one mistake doesn’t make you a monster.
  • Learn how not to feel guilty and bad about something you did. You can’t erase what’s happened. What you can, is to be the opposite of what you don’t like about yourself.
  • Always keep in mind that no one is perfect, so neither are you. Mistakes happen. What you can do, is never make the same one again.
You wanted revenge

Needless to say, but this one is partly justified. You ex cheated first. But what you did wrong here, is that you forgave him and stayed with him.

It should mean that you’re over it. Revenge is never good. It can only ruin what’s left of trust between you and your ex. If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, get over it.

Now you’re even.

The bottom line is:

It’s water under the bridge. What good does it do to you if you badger yourself about it?

You’ll just be a doormat for him if you feel guilty. That’s not attractive, or interesting to any man.

Reason #2 Your ex cheated on you

The same reasons apply in a reverse situation. Try to understand him, and accept your part of the responsibility.

Make sure to define what your role was in driving him into cheating.

There will be a moment later in the process when you’ll need to confront him about it.

Be prepared.

What if he’s still with the girl he cheated on you with?

How to get your ex boyfriend back when he has moved on?

If you’re skeptic and keep asking how to get your ex boyfriend back when he has moved on,

Don’t worry.

Most of these relationships are just a rebound relationships. He felt that something was wrong with you two and he didn’t want to be single.

So he simply switched from you to her. He is used to being loved and needs someone to replace you.

How to get him back and compete with the new girlfriend?

You don’t. Stick to the silence treatment. Work on your emotional well-being and try not to think about it. Missing you will remind him of how much he loved you.

He will start comparing his new girlfriend with you and realize eventually that he isn’t over you. It’s still early for anyone to develop any real emotions so soon after the breakup.

Don’t think: ”I want my ex boyfriend back but he doesn’t want me”. He wants you, he just needs to be reminded of that.

How can you feel confident that he will leave her?

If you don’t do anything wrong and show him that you didn’t deserve what he did to you, he’ll soon feel the guilt that’s going to tear him apart.

He’ll associate that guilt with his new girlfriend and start thinking that she’s the reason he’s feeling bad. Consequently, he’ll leave her.

Reason #3 Your ex says he doesn’t love you anymore

Why did he stop loving you?

1. You are too needy

As an illustration:

He likes to have his own blanket while he is sleeping, but you want to be as close to him as you can. You refuse to get your own cover and insist on using one together. He does this one thing for you.

He likes to take a nap in the afternoon and he doesn’t like you to bother him. You want to lie next to him on the sofa, so neither you nor he can move or breathe. But even so, he lets you do that.

You keep taking a part of his individuality day by day until he breaks.

What can you do to change the picture he has about you?

If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, let him have his space. That’s the purpose of the silent treatment. Do the opposite of what he expects.

No one wants their relationship to take away their personality. You were obviously smothering him.

When you get your ex boyfriend back, you must pay attention to those little things if you wish for him to stay.

2. You stopped seducing him

We all know what this means. You gain weight or don’t shave. You leave your hair messy and rarely use makeup.

It’s easy for men to focus their attention elsewhere if you give them a reason to.

Maybe it’s a shallow thing to say, but looks do matter. Moreover, it’s your strongest weapon.

With this in mind, you’ll always need to be alert and take care of yourself when you learn how to get your ex back.

Read on to learn how to get your ex boyfriend back by removing what was tearing you apart.

3. You’re not compatible

Compatibility can be made. Never mind that you don’t like same things, or your characters differ. It can all be fixed with some effort and compromise.

How many times he wanted to do something yet you didn’t? How many times did you compromise?

If you weren’t ready to compromise, that’s your answer.

How can you become compatible?

Building compatibility is a two-way street. If he was the only one making compromises, he felt wronged by you at some point.

To get your ex back, you’ll need to show him you’re willing to compromise.

Remember all the things he loves doing. Once the silence treatment is over, do some of them and post photos on Facebook or Instagram. As soon as he sees that, his sub-consciousness will tell him you’re compatible.

Use as many things you know about him to convince him that you’re compatible.

4. He didn’t feel appreciated enough

Men love being admired. It’s in their biology.

There are lots of things women do that make their men feel unappreciated.

Every relationship gets one day to the point where everything is implied. Of course that you love each other. Sure, he’s great.

You enjoy your relationship. You are thankful for all the things he does for you.

How often did you actually say that out loud?

Women tend to use the guilt card often. If he forgot your anniversary 2 years ago, why reminding him all the time?

For example:

He never makes his bed, and it annoys you but does the dishes every day. Why telling him that he is messy?

Why not telling him how great he is for doing the dishes?

You would want him to appreciate you that way.

5. You’re difficult to handle

We all know that type of people, yet we aren’t all ready to admit that we’re one of them.

Think of your behavior and do something and fix it if you recognize yourself in one of these situations. It’ll help you get your ex boyfriend back for good.

For example:

If he comes home from work later than usually, and you made dinner and waited for him. It’s normal to be annoyed by it.

But it’s probably not his fault. He is tired, he’s been working all day.

Instead of coming home to a peaceful haven, he sees your frowned face. How do you think that feels?

What are the signs that you are a difficult person?

  • You are hard to please.
  • You’re always complaining about everything.
  • You easily start a fight with him for stupid reasons.
  • You blame him for everything that’s wrong.
  • You’re competitive or controlling.

The list is long.

At some point, he realizes that he’s had enough and leaves you. Simple as that.

Keep reading if you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back

Reason #4 He doesn’t see a future with you

How to get your ex boyfriend back when you are so different?

Ask yourself what made him think that way. There are several crucial subjects in every relationship that define whether it has a future.

1.       Children

This is a sensitive subject, and every relationship comes to the point when this should be discussed.

Maybe you mentioned that having children is not your priority. Or you unintentionally showed that you have no interest in that subject.

If other people’s children annoy you and you commented in a bad manner, he might think that you don’t want them. Or that’s all he talks about and you get annoyed.

Maybe the situation was reversed. You want to have children and he doesn’t.

Can this be fixed?

Stop thinking “I want him back”. There’s a bigger picture here.

It is important that you ponder on this and figure out if this is something you can compromise on. Or if the situation can change. If not, it’s probably better you stopped pursuing him.

2.       Ambition

It’s important that you share the same life goals or at least compromise about them.

For instance:

If his job requires him to move to another city and you don’t want to follow him, he stays to be with you.

But he starts feeling like you’re pulling him down and stopping him from becoming successful. Consequently, he starts resenting you and leaves you.

If you love someone, you should be able to move heaven and earth to be with that someone. Not being willing to make sacrifices in a relationship shows him that you don’t care enough.

3.       Commitment issues

Commitment issues are often associated with men, but women have them too. It is possible that you haven’t been aware that you have the relationship anxiety. If you were showing any of the signs, it’s probably the reason he left you.

What are the signs of relationship anxiety?

Sign #1 You were reluctant to say the L word, so he might have thought that you didn’t feel it.

Sign #2 If you were skipping dates with him to go out with your friends therefore he realized that he couldn’t count on you.

Sign #3 Showing emotions was hard for you and consequently, he didn’t believe that you loved him.

Sign #4 You didn’t call him your boyfriend in front of your friends or family.

Can commitment issues be fixed?

Relationship anxiety is an issue that has to be dealt with. People with commitment issues rarely stay in a relationship longer than a couple of months.

If you recognize this is you, find out what the reasons for this anxiety are and deal with them. Once you get back with your ex, work on building the trust between you two and try to show emotions as much as you can.

Step #3 Becoming happy without your ex

The silence treatment isn’t over yet. You’ll use that time to work on yourself and become the best version of yourself. Your goal at this stage won’t be figuring out how to get your ex boyfriend back.

No, your goal will be to become happier. Because that’s what you should be. With or without him.

How to get your ex boyfriend back by becoming contented?

Erase the sentence „I want him back“ from your brain. You want yourself to be contented and you think that he can give it to you. Dealing with your own happiness will occupy you and you won’t have time to think about him.

Why is it important to be independent to learn how to get your boyfriend back?

Being self-sufficient will draw men to you. They don’t like desperate women, and it shows when you’re one. Trust me. You’ll become that dream self-confident woman men sigh after. Your ex won’t be able to resist the urge to pursue you.

Keep reading to see how to get your ex boyfriend back and be happy with yourself.

How to become happier?

Depending on the type of person you are, different things make you happy. Sit down and make a list of at least 10 things that make you happy.

Start doing those one by one.

Depending on the type of personality you have,

Here are some suggestions on what you should do while you’re wondering how to get your ex back.

Type 1 – A sporty

If you are a sporty person and care about your health and looks, you are probably already fit.

What would probably make you happy, is taking part in a marathon if you are a runner. Perhaps becoming a certified fitness instructor if you are a gym addict.

Sure, it’ll take some effort, but that’s what we are looking for. Things to occupy your mind while you’re giving your ex boyfriend space and time to forget the old you.

Type 2 – A chubby

If, on the other hand, you have a few pounds extra, commit yourself to losing them. You don’t lack motivation, so go for it!

I’ve seen it work many times.

For example:

There was a girl I was teaching how to get her ex boyfriend back. She hasn’t seen or heard her ex in 2 months. She had lost 20 pounds and changed her hair color and hairstyle. As a result of that, he didn’t recognize her when they met.

He couldn’t believe that it’s her when they accidentally met! In an hour they were back together.

He later told her that he fell in love with her again the moment he saw her.

As if she was a new person.

Not only that it’ll help you get back with your ex, but you’ll feel better, lighter and healthier.

Keep learning how to get your ex boyfriend back while making yourself feel better

Type 3 – A traveler

If you’ve always dreamed of traveling through Europe and seeing the world, leave everything behind and go for it.

Post only one photo of you having fun in a bar, surrounded by happy people. It’ll tickle his imagination to the point you can’t imagine!

Can I send him a postcard?

No! Be mysterious.

It’s important that you don’t post pictures a hundred times a day, every day.

In case you post too many, it’ll be obvious that you’re trying to draw his attention and he may even block you for being boring.

If you don’t have time or money to pursue the big goals in life, there are other ways to be happy.

Type 4 – A spirited soul

If you are a spiritual person, take a look at the law of attraction principles. Commit yourself to exploring all the ways you can use it. Go to a yoga class and meditate.

There’s nothing to lose, you can only feel better.

Type 5 – A realist

If on the other hand, you stand firmly on the ground, that doesn’t stop you from seeing things from a brighter angle.

One of the dangers of being a realistic person is becoming a pessimist. Don’t let it be you. Maybe it’s one of your traits that’s been annoying him all the time.

How to become optimistic when he’s ignoring me?

There are lots of things that surround you that can make you feel grateful and optimistic.

With this in mind, spend time playing with your pet if you have one.

If that’s not the case, adopt one. It’ll fill the gap in your heart, and enrich your life.

Train yourself to express gratitude.

For example:

Make a journal of everything that made you feel good that day.

Ban negative thoughts from your brain. As soon as you think of anything bad, count to ten and while you’re doing that start thinking of something that makes you feel good.

Type 6 – An Outdoorsy

If you are an outdoorsy type, go for a walk every day. The river, a park, a forest, a meadow. Anything will do, whatever makes you feel good.

Make time, you can spare an hour a day for doing what you love.

Type 7 – An Indoor person

If, on the other hand, you like to spend time indoors, commit to making your home the warmest place on the earth.

Change the drapes, wallpapers, furniture.

Read home decor magazines, browse the internet for furniture.

Go shopping for that new armchair you’ve always wanted to have.

Buy a warm blanket and forget reality with some great series.

Invite friends for a movie marathon.

How to get your boyfriend back by using jealousy?

This is not the type of jealousy you’re thinking. It’s not nice to play with someone else’s emotions while you still love your ex.

Don’t use another person just to make your ex jealous. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t date as long as you really like someone and your ex is not your priority.

But if you’re still thinking “I want him back”, it’s not a good move to date. Especially if you broke up because you cheated.

How to get your ex boyfriend back without using other men to make him jealous?

Other than dating again, there are other ways you can make your ex jealous. You’ll be having loads of fun, maybe won’t even think of him.

While he’ll be wondering who you’re with, and why are you so happy when you’re supposed to be suffering. His ego will kick in.

Maybe he’ll even call you at this stage, but you shouldn’t answer.

How long should you make him jealous?

Let his jealousy grow. It’s the most powerful weapon you’ve got. Let him be jealous of your trips, successes, looks, brains…

Let him stew.

He won’t last long and he’ll contact you. Don’t give in immediately.

Only if he is persistent, stop the silent treatment.

Keep reading to find out how to get your ex boyfriend back for good once he’s reached out.

Step #4 The contact

How to get your ex boyfriend back for good once he’s called?

If you followed all the steps, you made him think that you don’t need him anymore and he will probably contact you first.

Once he does, it’s your job to show him that you are the same women who loved him, still improved. You don’t say it, it needs to show!

He needs to think that you’re so great, that someone else might take you away from him. That will speed things up.

What to do when your ex contacts you?

Once he contacts you, he may be doing that to ask you to see him. If that’s the case, he’s toasted.

If you’ve followed the steps on how to get him back,

One more thing you’ll have to do is:

Just be careful during the date not to ruin all the work done.

Keep reading to see how to get your ex boyfriend back for good on the first date.

But that’s it!

You’re almost there!

How to get him back once you’ve started to communicate?

If he contacts you just to say hi, or ask how you’re doing, he is probably still on an ego trip. That doesn’t mean he wants to get back together with you.

Continue with caution.

Here are a few tips on how to get your ex boyfriend back by texting.

Your texts shouldn’t say: ”I want him back”! For the time being, conceal the fact that you still love him.

If the first time he sends you a text he says:

„Hey, just wanted to say Hi“!

You don’t answer to that. He’s just feeling the ground.

His ego wants to hear that you miss him and love him.

He’s trying to make you say it, so he feels better. That’s what he’ll expect. Don’t give it to him.

If he sends a text that says:

„Hey, what’s up“?

Answer that, but,

You DON’T say „Hey honey, I’ve missed you so much! I love you“!

Don’t show too much emotion.

What you DO say is:

„ Hey! Not much. You“?

Be pleasant, but not too much.

Be open for a conversation yet not eager and desperate.

How to win him back and make him keep texting you without being obvious?

  1. Ask him a question. However, imagine that he’s a new guy that you don’t have a history with.
  2. By all means, DON’T mention what’s happened between you two. At this point, at least. Just keep it simple and positive.
  3. If you’ve exchanged a couple of texts, suddenly end the conversation. Tell him you have somewhere to be and stop texting.

He’ll be astonished. You’ll leave him wondering what’s more important than him. He won’t be able to resist sending you more texts to find out.

How to get your boyfriend back if he doesn’t contact you?

If your self-esteem is low and you’re thinking: “I want my ex boyfriend back but he doesn’t want me”, keep in mind this:

In the first days after the breakup, your ex will do everything he can to stop thinking about you. He will try to block any beautiful memory of you so he doesn’t feel bad.

Yet, whatever bad happened between you two, he can’t erase the good.

Once the silence treatment is over, he should be done with cooling down and open for contact.

Maybe he’s afraid that you’re over him and his ego won’t let him call you first.

If he’s the type of person who doesn’t know how to say sorry, take the first step. He probably needs a little push.

When is the right moment to reach out?

You’ll know when that happens. Your ex will show signs that he wants you back.

Such as:

If he sends you greetings through a friend. Or likes and comments on your photos on Facebook. That’s his way of reminding you of his existence. He probably thinks you’ve moved on.

Calls you to give you something you left at his place, but that’s worthless. Like a book, or an umbrella. It’s just an excuse to see you. He’s wondering if you still love him.

He makes contact with your family. He misses you, but he doesn’t know if you feel the same. This way he feels close to you. Moreover, he probably hopes to get some information about you.

He is still single. Or he breaks up with his new girlfriend. He obviously hasn’t moved on. Try to find out why he broke up with his new girlfriend. However, be subtle. Above all, make sure he doesn’t know you’re investigating.

Shares your song on social networks. Or leaves gloomy comments. This is a cry for help and clear sign that he still has feelings for you. Probably meant for you to see.

Step#5 Remind him of the good times

How to get your ex by reminding him of the love he felt for you once?

Once you’ve reestablished contact, start talking about happy memories. This will rekindle the love he felt for you. Don’t make it obvious.

If you want to truly understand how to win him back, keep this in mind:

Don’t use the word “remember”; it will be obvious that you are trying to evoke the old memories.

Read some examples how to get your ex boyfriend back using the pleasant memories.

For instance:

Play the family card
  1. When he asks you:

How was weekend?”

If he loved being with your family, you may say:

„My parents had a barbecue“.

Then tell him an anecdote about your mother or father doing something really funny.

He’ll feel as if he’s missing out. He’ll wish for those moments of happiness to repeat many more times.

If he continues to text you or call you over the course of the next few days, keep mentioning the beautiful moments you had.

But subtly.

Like this:

Play the jealousy card
  1. If he says: „What have you been up to today“?

 Your answer should be:

„ I went to the park (café, mall, restaurant) next to my workplace with a friend from work“.

It has to be a place where you had some memorable moments full of love.

This way, you’ll be doing two things.

The first thing that will come to his mind is: “Who is that friend? Is he her new boyfriend“?

He doesn’t even know if it’s a woman or a man, but his first thought will be that you’ve moved on. Needless to say, don’t do this if the reason you broke up was your infidelity.

What happens next is; his mind becomes flooded with warm feelings he felt when you were together in that park. You are slowly reminding him that he still has strong feelings for you.

Here is another example on how to get your ex boyfriend back by reminding him of the good times:

Play the shared interests card
  1. If you share a passion for anything, let’s say wines, use that. If he asks you: “What were you doing last night?”

Answer like this: “I had dinner with friends and we drank some great wine. We had so much fun”!

He will remember all the dinners and parties when you two had fun trying out new wines.

There mustn’t be any unpleasant event associated with the object of shared passion you are reminding him of. Choose wisely and don’t be obvious.

Keep triggering his feeling by reminding him why he fell for you in the first place.

How to get your boyfriend back by making a list of the good times

It will be easier if you make a list of all the good times you shared. Don’t leave anything to chance.

Here’s a tip:

Choose only those times that were great for both of you from the beginning to the end. There mustn’t be any bad memories associated with them.

Then use those memories to your advantage whenever you two talk or text. Don’t use the word “remember”. He needs to think that it comes from him, not you.

Unless you do this right, he might feel manipulated.

How to get your ex boyfriend back using the good traits of your personality to remind him he loves you?

For instance:

  1. If he loved your jokes, be funny.
  • , but you aren’t giving up.

What’s the bottom line?

You’ll be working him for some time and eventually, he’ll call you out.

If you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back and make him stay, read the last step.

Step #6 Seal the deal

How to get your boyfriend back and seal the deal on the first date?

There are a few more tricks that will teach you how to win him back fast.

What to do after the date?

Here’s another secret:

If you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back for good,

You’ll have to play hard to get.

You might think that this will slow things down.

When you’ve missed him so much and worked so hard to get this far.


This is a crucial step to make him believe you’re the only one for him.

How to get him back by playing hard to get

The key to doing this right is:

Don’t be too available.

By now he should be aware that he still loves you and wants you. Making him worried that he made a mistake leaving you and that it’s too late now is the last thing to do.

This will speed everything up.

How to get him back and light the spark using the cat and mouse game?

First, do something that says that you want him back.

If he asks you if you’ve missed him, tell the truth. He’ll be happy to hear that. He will feel confident that you love him and haven’t moved on.


Do something that says you don’t care.

For instance:

Don’t answer to every text he sends you. Skip one or two.

If you can’t resist the urge to text back, say:

“Sorry, I’ll get back to you later, I’m in the middle of something right now.”

This will take his confidence away and he’ll think that you are moving on.

Can everyone play this game?

Play this cat and mouse game with him and alternate from interested to uninterested several times. You’ll see quickly that his interest in you has increased massively.

However, if you broke up because you had commitment issue, don’t use this tactic. Be available all the time, that way you’ll show him that you’re past your anxiety.

What to do when he asks you to be together again?

If these 6 steps helped you learn how to win him back and led you to the moment of reconciliation, here’s what you should do next:

Once he asks you to get back together, stop all the manipulating immediately. It’s time that you two talk about all the reasons that led him to leave you.

Should you say yes at this point?

What you need to do is be mature and self-confident as you are now after all the steps you’ve gone through. Admit your part of the responsibility and commit to making it work this time.

At this point, it’s not a question anymore how to get your ex boyfriend back, but how to make it work once he’s back.

Promise to each other that you’ll never stay quiet to what bothers you. Say out loud that you’ll never take anything for granted and you’ll try harder this time.

Never forget the reasons that led to the breakup in the first place, and he’s yours for life.

Now that you’ve learned how to get your ex boyfriend back, go get him!

The post How to get your ex boyfriend back fast by following these 6 steps appeared first on How to Win Your Ex Back.

This post first appeared on Relationships Center, please read the originial post: here

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How to get your ex boyfriend back fast by following these 6 steps


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