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Complete Guide To Treat Aspermia /Azoospermia Naturally

For a happy married life, most of the couples wish to have a baby and their own family. However, there are many who are infertile and won’t be able to have a family of their own.

Infertility in men is the inability to cause a pregnancy. In rare cases, the cause of infertility in men is Aspermia. The article entails information about aspermia and the ways to prevent/treat it.

What Is Aspermia/Azoospermia?

Aspermia is a condition related to the male reproductive organ. It is found rarely in men. A man suffering from this disease won’t ejaculate even a drop of semen. However, some men ejaculate low levels of semen. This condition of low ejaculation is called Azoospermia.

However, the men with aspermia can reach orgasm, but completely lack semen during ejaculation. It occurs when men lack semen cells or when they ejaculate in the bladder. When they ejaculate in the bladder, the condition is called retrograde ejaculation.

What Are The Causes Of Aspermia?

Men may suffer from the condition due to psychological issues or due to some reproductive system problem. It can be by birth or can be acquired. The most common causes of Aspermia are explained below:

1.Retrograde Ejaculation

In this condition, the semen are pushed backward instead of coming forward during ejaculation. The condition may develop due to a variety of reason. The prime reasons are as follows:

  • Due to the failure of the urinary bladder, or due to a neck closure which pushes the semen backward.
  • Sometimes a surgery done for the testicles or prostate may do so.
  • A disease that has damaged the nerves of a person leading to retrograde ejaculation.
  • In many cases diseases like diabetes, spinal cord injury, or multiple sclerosis can do so.
  • Some medical drugs given for treating prostate, anti-depressants, antipsychotic drugs, and anti-hypertensive drugs can also do so. One such medication is tamsulosin.

2.Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction

This one is the major cause of Aspermia. In this one or both the ejaculatory drugs are obstructed. When both the ducts are obstructed, it is called as complete ejaculatory duct obstruction. On the other hand, when one of the ejaculatory ducts is obstructed, it is called partial ejaculatory duct obstruction. This condition may arise due to several factors like:

  • Presence of congenital cysts in the ejaculatory ducts that cause obstruction in the ejaculatory ducts.
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Tuberculosis of the prostate gland.
  • Due to a sexually transmitted disease. Chlamydia is one such disease that obstructs the ducts.

3.Hormonal Problems

Pituitary hormones are required for sperm production. If they are not released at all or are released in low levels than the testes won’t produce sperm. Additionally, people who take steroids drugs or injections are more prone to such hormonal imbalances that decrease the sperm production.

4.Testicular Failure

It is the inability of testicles to make sperm from its epithelium. This can occur at any stage. It occurs when the testicle lack cells that make up the sperm.More off, it can be a genetic abnormality or must be acquired over time.


It is the presence of dilated veins in the scrotum. The veins dilate when their blood does not drain out properly from them. This further forms a pool of blood in the scrotum which eventually effects the sperm production rate. The good part is this is a curable condition that can be corrected by minor surgery.

6.Genetic Abnormality

In few cases, a genetic abnormality occurring due to abnormal chromosome adoption can do so. Additionally, there are a few unexplained genetic abnormalities that may do so.

7.Cancer treatment

People who are undergoing chemotherapy, cancer medication, and surgeries may develop it over time as a result of side-effects.

8.Pesticide/toxin exposure

A few cases harmful toxins enter into the system and cause a decrement in the sperm production. It mostly occurs due to cross-contamination when using hot bathtubs.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms Of Aspermia?

Aspermia does not show any painful sign or symptoms. You will get know about the conditions during sexual intercourse only. The symptoms may vary from individual to individual. The prime symptoms of this condition are as follows:

  • Infertility that is inability to cause pregnancy
  • No or very less semen discharge during orgasm
  • Hazy urine after intercourse
  • Sometimes blood in the semen or in the urine
  • Mild to moderate pain in scrotum, while urinating, or in the genitals

Aspermia Home Remedies

Aspermia Treatment In Ayurveda

Ayurveda has certain herbs that can successfully treat Aspermia. Some of the herbs that give effective results are:

 1.Asparagus Adscendens

Safed musli

It is also known as Safed Musli. It is the most common natural cure for Azoospermia. it cures issues and promotes good health too. The roots increase sperm sustainability, maintains the erection, and increase sexual pleasure.

It is the best cure to treat problems like erectile dysfunction and hormonal imbalances. It is available in the market in capsule form. You just have to consume 2 capsules daily to get optimum results. Alternatively, follow the instructions given on the pack.

2.Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris

This one is another popular herbal treatment for increasing the semen production. It is a known drug in Ayurveda for treating male infertility. It is also used for enhancing libido and treating erectile dysfunctions. Today, it is used as a perfect supplement for improving the overall sexual health. Additionally, it controls the cholesterol level, maintains normal blood pressure and enhances the Body weight. This one is also available in capsule form. Consume two capsules daily for optimum results. Alternatively, follow the instructions given on the pack.

3.Body Massage With Essential Oils

Body Massage essential oil

Massaging your body with essential oils is another powerful way of treating Azoospermia. Essential oils like chamomile, lavender, olive, rosemary, etc. are being used from ancient time to promote healthy functioning of the entire body and specifically the reproductive system. They dilate the blood vessels and remove any blockages from the body. They have the ability to break through the skin barrier and affect internal organs. This relaxes the nerves and increases their functioning too.

4.Shilajit ES


It is a herbal formulation to increase the sperm count and quality of semen in men. it is effective in treating aspermia, azoospermia, erectile dysfunction. decreased libido, and other sexual problems. This one is also available in capsule form. Consume two capsules daily for optimum results. Alternatively, follow the instructions given on the pack.

5.Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens

Mucuna Pruriens is an excellent herbal product having aphrodisiac properties. It is used to treat testicular obstruction, low libido, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and other sex-related problems. The supplements work by increasing the gametes production in the testis which eventually increases the semen production.This one is also available in capsule form. Consume two capsules daily for optimum results. Alternatively, follow the instructions given on the pack.

Yoga Poses To Treat aspermia


Yoga is highly beneficial in treating several conditions. Male fertility can be boosted by practicing some specific asanas. For this, the poses stimulate the endocrine system which distributes the hormones throughout the body. It basically addresses the hormones of the reproductive system.

Yoga stimulates the chakras of the body, certain yoga poses are meant for stimulating particular chakra of the body

 Yoga is thought to stimulate the chakras of the human body and certain yoga poses will stimulate particular chakras. There are seven main chakras, that align the spine, starting from the base to the crown of the head. You can visualize the chakra imagine a swirling wheel of energy. This invisible energy is called Prana which keeps us healthy.
The Chakra that is associated with the reproductive system is known as Sakral Chakra. It is present in the pelvic area at the 3rd and 4th vertebrae just above the pubic bone. This chakra looks for sex, fertility, emotions, and create pleasure during the makeover.
A person whose chakra is balanced has a healthy sex life. If unbalanced you will experience
lack of emotions and compromised sex life.

Yoga benefits the male fertility in many ways. First is by stimulating the blood flow in and around the pelvic area. It promotes the functioning of the testicles and promotes hormonal production responsible for sex and fertility.

Second by opening the hip joints. This make the hips flexible and give you a stronger boost of energy while lovemaking. Third by distressing the body. It is done by lowering the cortisol levels as it helps in conception.

Many times it is seen yoga has encouraged a quick pregnancy for both male and females. The whole functioning of the reproductive system is enhanced and the body is distressed. The best yoga poses for aspermia are as follows:

1.Pigeon Pose 

Pigeon pose opens the hips. It uses the core strength to keep the hips to a level. It stretches the entire groin, pelvic, and the thighs. Additionally, it stresses the mind, body, and soul. It focuses on the lower two chakras which increases the blood flow in the entire reproductive area.

How To Perform The Asana?

  • Start with your hands and knees. Bright the right knee and place it near to the right wrist. Keep your ankle in front of the left hip. The lower the leg the more intense it is.
  • Slide the left leg back and straighten the knee. The leg should be behind your body and the heel should point the ceiling.
  • Gently lower your body. Make sure your hips are at level.
  • Inhale and lift the upper body. Come on the fingertips and push navel in, tailbone down and chest open.
  • Exhale place your hands and the entire body on the floor. rest your forehead on the mat.
  • Repeat the exercise for few times for maximum results.

2.Butterfly Pose

It is a good stretch for the inner thighs, groins, and knees, improving flexibility in the groin and hip region. it helps in intestinal and bowel movement. It also relaxes the body from prolonged fatigue.

How To Perform The Asana?

  • Sit and put your feet together.
  • Pull your feet close to your body. Keep your back straight.
  • Hold the toes with your hand
  • Feel the stretch in the inner thighs.
  • Relax and stay in the position for few breaths.
  • Exhale and relax. Repeat it quite a few times

3.Revolved Triangle Pose

It is a good stretch for the thighs, calfs, groin, hip, knee, ankle, hamstring.It squeezes and massages your digestive organs while challenging your balance and concentration.

How To Perform The Asana?

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and arms on your side.
  • Turn your right foot out, pointing your toes to the mat. Align your right knee with the center the right ankle. Pivot your left foot inward to a 45-degree angle.
  • Bring your hands on your hips.
  • Raise the left arm upwards. Your bicep should be next to the left ear. Stretch the arm a much as you can.
  • Exhale, hinge forward from your hips, keeping your spine long.
  • Place the left hand on the outside of the right foot to open your torso to the right.
  • With the right hand draw the right hip back in line with the left hip.
  • Inhale and lengthen the spine.
  • Exhale and extend the right arm straight up toward the ceiling. Reach strongly through your right fingertips.
  • Maintain the posture and press down your heel firmly.
  • Be in the pose for a minute. Come down and relax.
  • repeat the pose for 5 times.

Chances Of Having A Child With Aspermia

The chances of having a child with aspermia are individual dependent. A person with azoospermia that is with increased sperm count can successfully bear a child as there are many possible treatments to increase the semen production and sperm count. On the other hand, a person with aspermia that is genetical is almost non-curable.

So, for them t bear a child is next to impossible. However, a person with aspermia that has developed somewhere in his middle age can be cured. The problem is curable at an early stage via medication and surgeries. The cause plays a vital role here.

If the cause is curable then the person can ejaculate sperm and can bear a child and vice-versa. Nowadays, with the advent of the technology, almost all the problems related to semen ejaculation are curable. Even there are some natural ayurvedic cures that have lead so many men to have a child of their own.

How To Prevent Aspermia?

There is no sure shot to prevent Aspermia. However, certain lifestyle changes may help you do so. Some of them are as follows:

  • Quit smoking as it decreases the sperm count
  • Limited consumption of alcohol. As studies suggest it as a major cause of sperm reduction.
  • Avoid drinking too much of coffee or caffeinated drinks
  • Eating a well-balanced diet containing lot of vegetables and fruits
  • Exercise  to keep the vital functioning of body organs
  • Wearing loose underwear at all times
  • Practicing yoga asanas
  • Carrying out ayurvedic treatment as some of the herbs are very helpful in improving the testosterone levels and boosting blood circulation to the reproductive organs
  • Try to maintain a three-day gap between two consecutive ejaculations to remain fertile

Can You Give Treatment For Azoospermia Caused By Mumps?

Mumps is a common viral infection affecting the salivary glands in the jaw and upper neck.But, when mumps develops in a boy after puberty, it sometimes results in testicular inflammation that affects the sperm production and may lead to infertility problems.

The disease when affecting a boy causes an inflammation in the testes and is called as orchitis.

The inflammation occurs in the epididymis that is a tube transporting the sperm out of the testis. It affects one testicle most of the time. The signs of orchitis can be seen in the first week itself.

They cause swelling of the testicles and often redness in the scrotal skin along with pain. The pain goes off in a week but after that, a softening under the scrotal skin can be seen followed by a shrinkage in the testicular region.

All these complications may together lead to a reduction in the sperm production. Many times mumps causes a drastic hormone imbalance affecting the sperm production. Researchers say the infection causes swelling that increases the pressure on the sperm-producing part of tests that eventually leads to low sperm count.

It happens as the prolonged pressure damages the tissues. However, the testicular inflammation is not seen in all the cases but the occurrence of mumps and mumps-orchitis is increasing globally.

If you have had a mump related orchitis, you may face fertility issues in near future. Nevertheless, most of the times its curable if treated at an early stage. In Ayurveda, there are many herbal supplements mean to treat this particular cause.

The supplements increase the production of sperm cells by stimulating testes. Tribulus Terestris are the best herbs to increase the sperm count and solve problems related to the sperm count. they are very powerful to overcome the previous infections.

You can consume this along with a healthy diet to get optimum results. The cure is possible but is mostly dependent on the individual overall health and the severity of the condition.

The post Complete Guide To Treat Aspermia /Azoospermia Naturally appeared first on MavCure.

This post first appeared on MavCure.Com- Health Information From Experts, please read the originial post: here

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Complete Guide To Treat Aspermia /Azoospermia Naturally


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