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33 Natural Sore Throat Remedies, Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

 SymtomsCausesNatural Sore Throat RemediesPrevention

Once in our life we all suffered from sour Throat.

And yes i agree that we all hate that pain when we swallow our saliva. Sour Throat stops us from eating our favorite food.

That’s it.

No more Sore Throat form now.

Today i am going to give you  complete knowledge about Sore Throat – It’s causes, Symptoms and Natural Sore Throat Remedies and precautions so that i will never stop you from eating your favorite food.

So lets’s start

What is a sore throat?


  1. A sore throat actually involve irritation, pain, and itchiness that can make it hard to swallow.
  2. You should visit your doctor if your sore throat lasts longer than a week and if it’s accompanied by other symptoms, like a fever, rash, joint pain, or difficulty breathing.
  3. Treatments includes gargling with warm salt water, throat lozenges, anti-inflammatory medicines, and other Sore Throat Remedies.

A sour throat actually refers to the pain, irritation, or itchiness of the throat.

It cause difficulty in swallowing food and liquids, and the pain increases when you try to swallow.

Most sore throats are caused by viral infections, such as a cold or flu.

A sore throat can affect people of all ages, but the risk of a sore throat is higher in some people. This includes:

  • people with a compromised immune system
  • Children
  • people with allergies
  • people who smokes

Symptoms of sore throat

  • Pain in the throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes in your neck
  • Scratchy sensation in the throat
  • Pain that worsens with swallowing or talking
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sore, swollen glands in your neck or jaw
  • Swollen, red tonsils
  • White patches
  • Pus on your tonsils
  • Hoarse or muffled voice

Causes of Sore Throat

1. Viral Infection:

Most of the time sore throat is caused by viral infection.

Viral illnesses that cause a sore throat include:

  • Common cold
  • Flu (influenza)
  • Mononucleosis (mono)
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox
  • croup, which is an infection of the larynx

2. By Cold or Flu?

Most sore throats are caused by clod n flu. If your sore throat is from a virus, antibiotics won’t help.

Instead, gargle with warm salt water and use over-the-counter treatments like lozenges and sprays.

3. Something You Ate?

Sometimes acid from your stomach comes up through the tube that carries food to your stomach, this can lead to acid reflux.
If you feel fine besides the sore throat and don’t have, for example, a fever, you might have acid reflux.
People with acid reflux experince trouble in swallowing, and feel like they have a lump in their throat.

If you have acid reflux, your doctor may suggest some lifestyle changes, like switching to a low-fat, high protein diet, and limiting alcohol and coffee. Over-the-counter medication may help, or your doctor may prescribe you something.

4. Allergies

An allergy can lead to runny nose can lead to post-nasal drip, when mucus runs down the back of your throat.

If allergy caused sore throat the try anti-allergy medicine.

If that doesn’t bring relief, talk with your doctor about other treatment options.

5. Bacterial infection:

Bacterial infection also causes sore throat. Some of the infection are:

Strep throat

It is an inflammation of the throat caused by the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria.

Symptoms can include throat pain, white patches on your tonsils, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, and fever. When you have strep throat, you usually don’t have a runny nose or cough.

6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may also cause a sore throat. This is a digestive condition that occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. This condition causes an array of symptoms outside of a sore throat.

7. Dryness

Dry indoor air can make your throat feel rough and scratchy, particularly in the morning when you wake up. Breathing through your mouth — often because of chronic nasal congestion — also can cause a dry, sore throat.

8. Irritants

Outdoor air pollution can cause ongoing throat irritation. Indoor pollution — tobacco smoke or chemicals — also can cause a chronic sore throat. Chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and eating spicy foods also can irritate your throat.

9. Muscle strain

You can strain muscles in your throat by yelling, such as at a sporting event; talking loudly; or talking for long periods without rest.

10. Tumors

Cancerous tumors of the throat, tongue or voice box (larynx) can cause a sore throat.

30 Natural Sore Throat Remedies

1. Gargle With Warm Salt Water

Gargle with warm water and salt

Best and one of the most effective Sore Throat Remedies.

It is one of the most famous and most close cure to sore throat. Your throat pains because the cells in the mucous membranes have become swollen and inflamed.

Gargle With Warm Salt Water decreases the pain as salt primary function is to draw out swelling. Salt also removes the excess mucous and allows your stuffy nose (if you have one) to drain properly.

Take warm water not hot and add ½ teaspoon of table salt. Do gargling 3 times a day not more then that.

2. Honey and Lemon soothes your throat

Honey and lemon plays an important role in soothes your throat.

Use honey with ginger juice and drink 3 times a day. It will soothes the sore throat. Lemon also plays a vital role with honey.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar drink

Apple Cider Vinegar drink

Mix the Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV) and honey into very warm water. Drink it while it’s still warm!

Its high levels of acidity can kill bacteria quite efficiently, and when mixed with honey it can soothe the soreness in your throat as well.

4. Garlic

It is one of the most famous Sore Throat Remedies. Garlic is a natural remedy that can kick a sore throat right in it’s painfully swollen tush. The reason lies in the garlic’s allicin, a compound that can kill the bacteria that causes strep and fight the germs causing pain and irritation.

Place 1 piece of garlic in each cheek, and suck on it like a cough drop. Occasionally crush your teeth against it to release the allicin- there’s no need to actually bite it. Try this once daily.

5. Marshmallow

Marshmallow proved to be helps coat and soothe mucus membranes in the throat.

Put one tablespoon of dried root in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Cover and steep for 30-60 minutes before straining and drinking.

If you have diabetes then consult your doctor before using this as Marshmallow lowers sugar level.

6. Steam

Taking steam eases sore throat and remove dryness from throat. It makes you breathe better.

Boil a pot of water. Now take a towel put it on your head  and inhale all the steam coming out of the pot. You have to create a tent of towel so that you can inhale maximum steam.

7. Drinking warm water with cayenne

Drinking warm water with cayenne

Cayenne can actually make you feel better. Drink hot water with cayenne to feel better.

It provide temporarily relief to the pain. The discomfort from your sore throat is diluted when coming in contact with the Cayenne.

Add 1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper to 1 cup of boiling water. Stir in the honey, and wait until the mixture is warm-but not hot-before drinking throughout the day as needed. Make sure to stir it frequently, as the Cayenne tends to settle. If you’re sensitive to spice, reduce the pepper to as little as 1/8 of a teaspoon.

8. Drink Licorice Root Tea

The anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of licorice root help reduce swelling and irritation, and soothe the mucus membranes in your throat.

So by drinking Licorice Root Tea you can get relief from sore throat.

You will need…
-1 cup chopped dry licorice root
-1/2 cup cinnamon chips
-2 tablespoons whole cloves
-1/2 cup chamomile flowers

Mix everything in a bowl thoroughly. Store in a glass jar away from light and heat if you wish to save some for later. To prepare the tea, combine 3 heaping tablespoons of the tea mix and 2.5 cups of cold water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, than reduce heat to low, and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour into a large mug through a strainer, sip, and enjoy.

9. Get Your Rest & Fluids

Yes, it’s obvious but it is very important so that other natural remedies work. Drink plenty of fluids Water, orange juice, more water, herbal tea.

So take rest and drink drink drink.

10. Baking Soda “Tea”

Baking soda has antibacterial properties, which could help to kill off the bacteria in your throat.

It is most simple, straightforward, and effective home remedy for sore throats.

Mix in ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon or a little less baking soda in warm water,  stir, and test the temperature. Pour some of the liquid into your throat, let it sit for a moment, then gargle. Do this twice in a row 3 times daily.

11. Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle is a plant which is extremely effective in easing coughs, sore throats, and flu symptoms due to its bacterial fighting properties.

It also flushes out toxic stream from your blood.

It also works as anti-inflammatory which helps in reducing swelling in throat.

Honeysuckle is a wild plant if you can find it near you then use it otherwise buy it from shop.

Once you have your leaves and flowers, simmer them in one quart of boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain, and add honey/lemon if you like.

12. Cloves

Clove – Natural Pain killer

Cloves were often used to help ease pain in the mouth (such as toothaches) and throat.

They are natural pain killer, and can act as an anti-bacterial as well.

Pop a clove or two into your mouth and suck on it until it becomes soft, and then chew as if it were gum. Swallowing them afterwards is not harmful.

13. Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Perioxide used in sore throat

Hydrogen Peroxide is an antiseptic used on cuts and wounds.

We can broaden its use to helping a sore throat in the form of a gargle.

Pour one cap-full of Hydrogen Peroxide into your drinking cup. Warm up some water (don’t make it hot) and dilute the Peroxide with one cupful of warm water.

Gargle thoroughly before spitting the liquid back out. If you can’t stand the taste, a little honey won’t hurt.

14. Avoid Irritants

Avoid Irritants means not getting involved in unnecessary activities. Stay away from fumes and smog.

Do your best to rest up, and remember to take care of yourself (or have someone take care of you!)

15. Pomegranate


Focusing in on sore throats, pomegranates can help fight off infection with anti-oxidants, while they also contain astringents.

An astringent is a substance that causes contraction of body tissue, so they will help the swelling in your throat go down, in turn diminishing the pain.

Gargling or drinking pomegranate juice at least 3 times a day can help as well.

16. Just Make Cozy Chamomile Tea

Just Make Cozy Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a natural remedy. Its components consist of natural pain-killer and its anti-spasmodic properties can help you rest. Overall, it’s one soothing wonder herb.

How to use
When the water has boiled, pour into your mug and add the tea bag. Cover and let steep for 10 minutes. Add a bit of honey and lemon if you like. Drink as needed.

17. Drink That Ginger

Ginger is packed with properties that will chase away the pain.

It also boosts your circulation, increasing oxygen to your cells, flushing out toxins, and speeding up the healing process.

Add Sliced ginger in your tea and enjoy all of ginger’s benefits in a warm, soothing, cup of tea.

18. Gargle Sage

Sage is an astringent, meaning it causes body tissues to contract, which means that it can help with swelling.

It will help in reducing the swelling of the sore throat.

How to use:

Boil your water, and then pour it over the sage in a mug. Cover and steep for 20 minutes. Strain, add salt, and gargle as needed.

19. Avoid Milk, Or Drink It

Drinking milk can affect sore throat reason is because milk coats the throat, which already has excess mucus. Milk also increases mucus production which is not good for you.

But if you have dry or raw sore throat some milk and honey may help you in sore throat.

20. Food And Drink Temperatures Moderate

An ice water seems good but it will affect your sore throat. It will increase your pain.
Whereas drinking extra hot soups or tea will just burn and cause more pain.

By letting things come to room temperature or keeping them cool rather than cold, or warm rather than hot, you can avoid aggravating your throat further

21. Spice Things Up

You should avoid taking spicy foods when you have sore throat.


One spice high in anti-oxidants, and its aroma often times helps to open up the sinuses, which lessens the production of mucus and helps you breathe a little easier is cinnamon.

To get the best of both taste and health benefits, using “cinnamon water” is a great way to go about achieving a yummy drink that will also help you feel better.

22. Mix & Match

Mix and Match these things:

1. Salt: It draws the water out of your swollen mucus membranes, reducing swelling and pain.

2. Honey: Comforting and soothing honey helps coat the throat when it is dry, scratchy and painful. It also kills bacteria. It should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

3. Lemon: Cuts through unwanted mucus, kills bacteria, and can help dull the pain in sore spots. Often used with honey.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar: It’s a major germ-buster, and while it may seem counter-intuitive, ACV can really help relieve your sore throat.

5. Baking Soda: Due to its PH levels it can help soothe minor skin irritations, and also helps rid your body of bad bacteria that could be lurking about and making things worse.

23. Licorice Root

Liquorice cures sore throat

Licorice root has long been used to treat sore throats. It is very effective when mixed with water and then use that for gargling.

However this solution should not be used by pregnant women.

24. Slippery elm

Slippery elm is a traditional remedy for sore throat.

It has a mucus like element, when mixed with water it forms a gel that coats and soothes the throat.

Add Slippery elm to boiling water and drink it, that will bring a lot of relief to your sore throat.

25. Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol, which helps thin mucus and calm sore throats and coughs.

It also contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, which may encourage healing.Diluted peppermint oil sprays may also relieve sore throats.

26. Fenugreek

Fenugreek tea is a natural remedy for sore throats. It can relieve pain and kill off bacteria that cause irritation or inflammation.

It also have many other health benefits. You can eat fenugreek seeds, use the topical oil, or drink fenugreek tea.

Pregnant women should avoid fenugreek.

27. Hot sauce and water

The capsicum in hot peppers helps alleviate pain and fights inflammation.

Add salt, ginger, sage, turmeric and capsicum to a cup of hot water for sore throat relief. It’ll burn, but try this gargle every 15 minutes and see if it helps.

28.  Wheatgrass juice

Wheatgrass juice is another sore throat remedy. A quick rinse and spit with this chlorophyll-rich liquid helps prohibit bacteria growth and ease throat pain.

Held in the mouth for five minutes or so, wheatgrass juice is said to help revitalize weakened gums and stop toothache pain.

29. Tomato juice

To get relief from sore throat Tomato juice is a great source.

Gargle with a mixture of 1/2 cup tomato juice and 1/2 cup hot water, plus about 10 drops hot pepper sauce. This will bring great relief to you from sore throat.

30. Goldenseal and Water


Gargling with the herbal germ-killer goldenseal (1 1⁄2 teaspoons goldenseal tincture in 8 ounces water) kills viruses and bacteria as it soothes inflamed throat tissue.

31. Echinacea and water

echinacea cures sore throat

It is an herbal virus killer. Add 2 teaspoons tincture of echinacea to 1 cup water and gargle this home remedy three times daily.

In addition to easing sore throat pain, an echinacea gargle will give your immune system the boost it needs to fight the infection.

32. Myrrh and Water

Myrrh is superb at combating inflammation. It is an antiseptic too. It helps in increasing the healing process.

Add few drops of Myrrh with water and Gargle six times a day—a bit of an effort, true, but well worth it.

33. Raspberry Tea

Raspberry tea is an old home remedy believed to treat everything from the flu to open wounds. One recipe calls for pouring 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried tea leaves. Steep for 10 minutes, then strain and let cool a bit. Gargle while warm.

No comes the main part

How to prevent a sore throat

To prevent sore throat, stay away from people who are sick with an infectious illness like the flu or strep throat. Wash your hands frequently. Try to avoid spicy or acidic foods, and stay away from chemical fumes or smoke that could cause inflammation.

  • not sharing drinking glasses or utensils
  • using hand sanitizers whenever soap and water aren’t available
  • limiting contact with commonly touched surfaces
  • reducing exposure to allergens, such as pollen, dust, and mold
  • avoiding cigarette smoke
  • keeping a humidifier in your house to eliminate dryness

So next time if you feel like your throat is starting to get painful use any of the natural Sore Throat Remedies shown above. Home remedies can stop it before it has much chance to get worse.

So stay healthy and stay fit.

The post 33 Natural Sore Throat Remedies, Causes, Symptoms & Prevention appeared first on HealthGuruTips.

This post first appeared on HealthGuruTips, please read the originial post: here

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33 Natural Sore Throat Remedies, Causes, Symptoms & Prevention


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